Erick Munari
July 25th, 2009, 07:58 AM
Two Wedding clips up for constructive criticism!
Thank you,
Victoria and Joshua on Vimeo (
Flora and Adam on Vimeo (
Taky Cheung
July 25th, 2009, 08:26 AM
It's me again =)
Flora and Adam's video, it's too shaky. Those slow motions are very stuttering. I shoot 30p both on XH-A1 and HV30.
For the other video, there're a lot of "pointless" shot =) . It's like shooting at the groom drank 2 cups of water before the ceremony. Before the reception, there was a scene backlight shooting at people's back in front of a bar.. then it cross fades back to the same scene. That's also pointless. These videos supposed to be story telling. But I don't feel that way.
I would grab my camera and go inside the dancing crowd to get some closeup shots. That's very fun actually.
I like the ending scene you zoom out from the dancing crowd.
Erick Munari
July 25th, 2009, 10:40 AM
Thanks again for your sincere comments. I'm glad you pointed out the stuttering because I have been having a difficult time avoiding it, because the XH is 24f and the HV is 24'p' (on 60i...). I Reverese Telecine on FCP but the stutter is what you see (as well as Vimeo), if you kow a different workflow I'd be happy to hear about it.
We have different aesthetics, approaches to storytelling varies and that makes our trade richer, but I value the input nonetheless.
All the best,