View Full Version : Question about multiple audio streams...

Bill Grant
July 24th, 2009, 08:36 PM
Hey Guys,
I have been recording live acoustic music through the XLRs using 2 Senn G2 lapels and have found that as one channel gets louder the other backs down. I am not picking up ambient from one in the other or anything, but it seems like both channels can't be loud at once. I had a guitar and vocal on one and a harmonica on the other, and when the harmonica kicked in, the guitar would drop in volume. What would cause this? I had it on auto to prevent clipping because even with great headphones, I couldn't tell on Manual. Any thoughts?

Mike Demmers
July 25th, 2009, 03:39 AM
The limiters on most cameras are stereo limiters, which means that a peak on one channel will cause both to duck. This is normally needed to preserve the stereo image when recording.

When you record unrelated or wildly different sounds on the two channels you must turn the limiter off or record low enogh that it does not kick in.

Cameras are not really designed to be used as multitrack recorders. ;-)


Allan Black
July 25th, 2009, 05:04 AM
I agree. Bill from your description of your recording set up and track distribution, you need to disable the limiters from the stereo setting.

Not having the S model, but would luuurrrv the limiters, I think you can select one limiter for each channel separate from the


Bill Grant
July 25th, 2009, 05:25 PM
Let's assume I know how to disable the limiters. Just tell me anyway how to do it. As if I don't know :)
I have the original A1 btw.

Chris Soucy
July 25th, 2009, 06:25 PM
Little bit out of my comfort zone on this one, but from my reading of the A1 manual (which makes no mention of limiters, incidently) as soon as you set that Auto/ Manual switch to Auto, you've got limiters, take it or leave it.

No mention of Stereo/ Dual Mono options.

Don't want limiters, put it back to Manual.

May be different on the new S version, but as that's not what we have................


Bill Grant
July 25th, 2009, 06:54 PM
Have done that now. That makes sense. It "autos" the audio. cool. Got it.