View Full Version : 442 744 outputs-inputs

Vvicente Villaescusa
July 24th, 2009, 12:22 PM
When sending 2 tracks from the 442 into the 744, how do I select line on the main stereo inputs of the 744? is it on the menu?,

I know there are two input gain knobs (1 & 2), which level will be right for them to be as line-level?

Vicente Villaescusa

Rick Reineke
July 24th, 2009, 02:09 PM
Download and/or view the manual from SD.

Vvicente Villaescusa
July 24th, 2009, 03:08 PM
I have obviously taken a careful look at the manual.

I am afraid I dont have the 744 with me to test it.

In the manual it says that when adjusting to line you can select between:

"Gain for the line level inputs can be controlled by the front panel
potentiometers or menu settings. Line input gain is controlled in 0.1 dB steps."

Where should I set the input gain to???

"Line-Level Gain Control
When in line-level position, the gain for inputs 1 and 2 is controlled by the front panel recessed
potentiometers or by a menu sensitivity setting. When set for front panel control in the user menu,
LINE INPUT 1: GAIN and LINE INPUT 2: GAIN controls in the user menu are lined out and not acces-
sible. "

And the it says something about how to set the inputs 3 and 4:

"Input level sensitivity for the line-level inputs is adjustable, in 0.1 dB steps, from –6 dBu to +18 dBu.
While adjusting the input sensitivity, the meters will show the relative signal level present on each
input on the meters."

Which should it be the right setting in dBu's?

What would it be the right

Karl Lohninger
July 24th, 2009, 05:40 PM
When you send tone from the 442 you should see -20db on the 744. In other words, there's no gain setting really. The front pots are there (at least for me) only to set levels when having no mixer as front end. I really never touch them. The same goes for the gain controls in the user menu. If you're running a 442 (with its direct outs) into a 744 I can't see a need to play with these settings ;-)

Jeffery Magat
July 25th, 2009, 05:14 AM
Well, you might want to adjust the line input into the 744T if your tone is not lining up properly. My output on my 302 to my 744T is about .1 or .2 off and I make the adjustment accordingly.

If you're using the XLR inputs, you just throw the switches into Line on the side of the 744T. If you don't put the switches into Line, you won't be able to access Line Input Gain 1 and 2 in the menu

You can choose which gain control type you can use in menu #30.

Like Karl said, the ideal settings from a 442 to a 744T is leaving the line inputs at 0dB.

Vvicente Villaescusa
July 25th, 2009, 07:28 AM
Hey, very useful info,
Thanks everybody