View Full Version : Audio playback issues

Howard Churgin
July 23rd, 2009, 01:48 PM
I am editing hdv in PPro cs3. I have no issues with editing or playback or rendering of the video, but when I play the timeline I get audio dropouts. This is not present when I edit SD or if I export the project. The dropouts occur in different spots at different times. ie. if I play the same section back three times the audio will dropout differently each time. it plays for a few seconds then a second or two of silence then starts up again. It is quite annoying during editing. i dont know why this is happening but again there are no issues with the video portion. Is there a way to set the "Audio interleave" during plyback? Could this have something to do with it?



Harm Millaard
July 23rd, 2009, 02:21 PM
Most likely culprit, apart from a somewhat lacking disk setup, is having SearchIndexer on.

Howard Churgin
July 23rd, 2009, 05:05 PM
Most likely culprit, apart from a somewhat lacking disk setup, is having SearchIndexer on.

I turned off "Indexing". Didn't know it was on or what it was.Tuned it off for both drives and disabled it.

Although I see a performance increase it did not solve the problem.

Harm Millaard
July 24th, 2009, 03:33 AM
Getting another SATA disk will help significantly. Only two disks is not enough for comfortable editing. Take care it is at least a 7200 RPM disk, 'green disks' are not suitable.

Chris Soucy
July 24th, 2009, 04:27 AM
If you're getting audio dropouts and not video, you don't have a disk problem.

Something else is stopping the audio (card?) from getting data.

My suggestion?

Dive in and disable everything apart from those apps directly connected to editing your video - network, broadband, virus and firewall, you name it.

Disable the lot.

No change?

Pull the audio card and move it up a slot, if possible.

Check and download the latest drivers for your motherboard, audio system, graphics card and anything else that has drivers associated with it.

If that doesn't fix it, well, get back to us.


Howard Churgin
July 24th, 2009, 07:24 AM
I turned off my TrenMicro virus software and it appears to be good right now. I should have thought of it myself because a few years ago I had to do that even working in SD editing with an older machine. I have had no problem on this machine in SD and I thought it odd that i had no HDV video issues only this audio issue in HDV.

Anyway I hope this is it. Turn off virus software while editing. If not I'll get back to you.
