View Full Version : HM100 Underwater Solution?

Steve Cottrell
July 22nd, 2009, 03:44 PM
Any leads on an underwater housing for the HM100? I'm thinking Ikelite rather than sandwich baggie!


Steve Cottrell
October 24th, 2009, 08:23 AM
Answered my own question :-)

Equinox | HD8 Underwater Housing f/ JVC GY-HM100U | HD8HM100 (

Equinox model HD8HM100, and not a bad price either.

Steve Cottrell
August 15th, 2010, 05:14 PM
Any leads on an underwater housing for the HM100? I'm thinking Ikelite rather than sandwich baggie!


If anyone's interested I got a used Epic Elite and have been testing it. Low res test here (with 18dB gain) :

Underwater test HM100 in Epic housing on Vimeo

It works but is cumbersome. Definitely 'in the water' use only - pool, surf, watersports, boating etc. Difficult to use underwater. I rigged up a small monitor on the camera in the housing so I can see the viewfinder image by looking straight down into the housing. Effective. Not bad for 200 bucks.
