View Full Version : EX3 and JVC GY-HM100

Ron Wilk
July 22nd, 2009, 10:37 AM
I am considering purchasing an additional camera (JVC GY-HM100) for the purposes of obtaining occasional footage at venues where my EX3 might draw considerable attention.

Just wondering if there are any EX users that have had experience with the placement of clips from both of these cameras on the same FCP timeline? That is, given the technological differences between the two cameras (chip size, CCD vs CMOS, lens, etc.) can one achieve believable continuity when the clips are placed side-by-side?
Thank you in advance.

Vaughan Wood
July 22nd, 2009, 05:55 PM
In the JVC gy HM100 forum there apperas be to a few guys who have both ,and I seem to remember somone posted a clip with both cameras intercut.

Maybe do a search in that forum.



Ron Wilk
July 23rd, 2009, 08:58 AM
In the JVC gy HM100 forum there apperas be to a few guys who have both ,and I seem to remember somone posted a clip with both cameras intercut.

Maybe do a search in that forum.



Hello and thank you:
You are correct and my question was indeed answered in that forum. Unfortunately, as expected, things that appear too good to be true usually are, meaning, my suspicion that EX3 generated clips would not inter cut well with the HM100 were validated by a user of both cameras.

Matt Davis
July 26th, 2009, 08:53 AM
any EX users that have had experience with the placement of clips from both of these cameras on the same FCP timeline?

My colleague and friend Rick Young looked into the HM100 for MacVideo, and he was very impressed. So much so, he bought one.

I've seen some of his tests intercutting the EX1 and HM100, and at 720p it's not bad 'out of the box'. The colour was a little 'Agfa' compared to the EX1s 'Ektachrome'. There's a bit of extra detail enhancement on the HM100 and the defaults show a bit of oversharpening.

The HM100 isn't going to match the EX1, but with a bit of work it could comfortably co-exist without lots of grading. We're not set up in the same echelon as Adam Wilt et al and don't have Macbeth charts to hand, so will have to rely on eyeballing it.

The one danger area I can deduce is to put an HM100 in a low light situation that the EX can handle well. The HM100 does generate a lot of noise in low light.

FWIW, Rick's HM100 is to be the 'wide' shot on his EX multicam interview shoots. With an EX as main, an HM100 wide and possibly an HM100 reverse, his 3 cameras can fit in an aircraft carry-on.

Michael Pruitt-Bruun
August 10th, 2009, 11:55 AM
i just did a 2 week shoot with my ex3 and an hm100. i'd heard good things about the jvc, and looked at frame caps online that looked very nice. i did some side-by-side when we started and was immediately aware of the difference in rez and dynamic range. the hm100 treated colors much more crudely as well. i couldn't come up with a way to improve the jvc, so i dumbed down the ex. i tweaked the ex3 to try to make the color a little more "punchy" and generally selected settings that would make the ex a bit more contrasty than i'd have liked.

it's far from an ideal match, but i've seen folks cut worse matches, with decent results. it helps to create camera assignments that mitigate the differences.