View Full Version : nooby needs advice on editing 5D2 videos
Gaetano Catelli July 21st, 2009, 09:08 AM i'm a (still) photographer. i loves my 5D2 for its still photography capabilities.
but, as much as i DREAD editing video, alas, i recently got bitten by the youtube bug.
so, what is the most PAINLESS way for a nooby to do SIMPLE edits on 5D2 video files? ("simple" = titles front and back, deletion of frames where someone walked in front of the camera while recording on the street, and dubbing over the street noise with music.)
i've already downloaded the Neoscene trial version, and converted my .MOV files to .avi. apparently, this means i still have to get editing software to edit the .avi files. (at $129 for the full version of Neoscene, this doesn't seem like a very efficient route to take.)
would i lose HD with Windows Moviemaker? (i've read that HD is lost with Adobe Elements, and i'd like to preserve it.)
don't laugh, but would Canon DPP be any help? (okay, laugh -- but please answer anyway!)
Jon Fairhurst July 21st, 2009, 10:22 AM Take a look at the Sony Vegas line of NLEs. I think most of them handle HD these days, but take a look at the specs and see which one makes the most sense for you.
One of the strengths of Vegas is that is follows Windows conventions very closely, so all those things that you do in Word, like right clicking, tends to behave as you expect in Vegas.
I use Vegas Pro and NeoScene, and they work well, even on my outdated computer.
Charles W. Hull July 21st, 2009, 10:54 AM I use Vegas Pro and NeoScene, and they work well, even on my outdated computer.
Also Premiere Elements works well with NeoScene and it is a very simple editor, easy to learn.
Chris Barcellos July 21st, 2009, 11:08 AM Vegas and Neo Scene work wonders together. Not sure how Vegas "Movie Studio" does with Neoscene, but if it works with it, it is a more inexpensive entry point to see if you like the Vegas GUI. At BH Photo, you can get into Movie Studio for $ 70.
If you go Elements, you will be entering the Adobe GUI. I happen to feel it is a more restictive editing environment, but others love Adobe's approach.
Thi Ng July 21st, 2009, 11:18 AM No laugh here but for a short clip (good enough for youtube) and simple edit why don't just try Zoombrowser EX (ver 6.3) came with your camera, before plunge $$ for other editing SW. If you computer can handle DPP or Lightroom it should be OK for Zoombrowser EX and your HD raw clips.
i'm a (still) photographer. i loves my 5D2 for its still photography capabilities.
so, what is the most PAINLESS way for a nooby to do SIMPLE edits on 5D2 video files? ("simple" = titles front and back, deletion of frames where someone walked in front of the camera while recording on the street, and dubbing over the street noise with music.)
don't laugh, but would Canon DPP be any help? (okay, laugh -- but please answer anyway!)
Gaetano Catelli July 21st, 2009, 12:02 PM No laugh here but for a short clip (good enough for youtube) and simple edit why don't just try Zoombrowser EX (ver 6.3) came with your camera,...
that would be GREAT -- but i've looked and looked and haven't found an edit function on my version (6.2.1), and haven't found a way to upgrade to 6.3 (if that's required to edit).
Thi Ng July 21st, 2009, 12:51 PM I believed so, 6.3 has video edit feature. Has been introduced a while ago but officially on the same time Canon announces the 1.0.7 firmware upgrade. You can download 6.3.1 at same web-site of where you got the new firmware.
that would be GREAT -- but i've looked and looked and haven't found an edit function on my version (6.2.1), and haven't found a way to upgrade to 6.3 (if that's required to edit).
Gaetano Catelli July 21st, 2009, 01:40 PM very cool, Ng. Zb EX ver 6.3 is downloaded and installed. it looks like it may be exactly the simple solution i'm looking for.
Roger Lee July 21st, 2009, 07:44 PM very cool, Ng. Zb EX ver 6.3 is downloaded and installed. it looks like it may be exactly the simple solution i'm looking for.
Hope this works for you. I have ver 6.3 as well. However, I think about all you can do with the editor is shorten clips. I don't think it has much editing capability.
If you discover something else that Zoombrowzer can do, let us know.
Rog Lee
Marc Fairorth July 22nd, 2009, 08:55 PM Jon -- wondering if you have upgraded to Vegas 9.0 and, if so, did you find any significant differences in terms of performance or file handling with the 5D2.
Jon Fairhurst July 23rd, 2009, 10:56 AM Hi Marc,
I'm still running version 8.
Gaetano Catelli July 23rd, 2009, 11:01 AM ... Zb EX ver 6.3 is downloaded and installed. it looks like it may be exactly the simple solution i'm looking for.
not really (:sighing:) but this looks very promising: YouTube - Optimize Youtube Videos With Virtual Dubb and Redubb Them (
Steve Wolf August 1st, 2009, 10:53 AM ...
would i lose HD with Windows Moviemaker?
WMM does a spectacular job creating HD. Just do a sample clip and see for yourself.