View Full Version : 5D M II or T1i... work with XL2 ?

Gord Howard
July 20th, 2009, 05:11 PM
I have an XL2 and am hoping to add a second camera to get another angle to cut to during edits. I like shooting stills as well, so the 5D OR T1i seem like they might be a better choice than another large XL2. Has anyone compared the footage from either of these to the XL2? I realize that the XL2 can shoot in different formats, and I will have to match format with the 5d or T1i...
I am hoping the difference in the look will be negligible so that I can switch from one shot to the other without it appearing totally different. Anyone with some experience with shooting either of these cameras that can comment?

Louis Maddalena
July 20th, 2009, 11:55 PM
Both cameras you are looking at happen to shoot HD video, and therefore will be of higher end then the XL2- however, if you shoot 4:3 then the 5D also has this option and therefore would probably be a good match for your project.

Although, having been an XL-2 owner is the past, and a current 5D owner, I can tell you that there really is no comparison, the quality of the 5D really and truly kills the XL-2 in most situations. However, I still believe for video purposes, the XL2 is a better camera, except for those 12 minutes of glory when shooting with a 5D.

Gord Howard
July 28th, 2009, 10:44 PM
Thanks Louis. Sounds like the 5D will work nicely, and likely the t1i will as well. Do you think there will be a noticeable difference in picture quality in terms of color qualities, frame rate etc? I was thinking I could reduce the image detail from HD to ExtD to match the XL2 and am curious if the image wil end up looking close or not. Any thoughts?
Thanks again for the reply.