View Full Version : Compression in DVDA

Thomas Roberts
July 20th, 2009, 02:03 PM
Hey guys,

I shot some footage (SD) with a 100B. 16x9 24P I rendered from Sony Vegas Pro via JETDV's DVDA settiings. I've noticed some really bad compression artifacts in DVDA with RED colors. Is this just the compression I have to live with? I have not noticed this before on other projects. I've been using Sony Vegas since Version 3.

Here is what I did:

1. Edit in Sony Vegas Pro- 16x9, 24P
2. Curves, and Color Correction
3. Rendered to DVDA via MPEG2 JETDV"S settings- Using 24P Widescreen
4. The project is 2 DVD's both at about 50 min in length- Fit to disc.-
5. It does not re-render the MPEG2 in DVDA- Its fairly quick to prepare and burn


VBR 2 Pass

Any comments on what I might try to resolve this RED issue. (not to be confused with RED camera, just RED colors....)


Perrone Ford
July 20th, 2009, 02:13 PM
Just a few things:

1. WHen you did your curves and color corrections, did the red stay legal?

2. Given the very short run times of your disks, I would not use VBR. I'd use CBR with 8Mbps. Why worry about heavy compression if it's simply not needed?

3. If you render this out to an uncompressed file, or lightly compressed file, do you see the same artifacting in reds?

4. If you render the file without doing any color correction at all, do you still see the issue in the reds?

Just trying to sort out if the issue is with the compression, the levels changes your making in the file, or something else.


Hey guys,

I shot some footage (SD) with a 100B. 16x9 24P I rendered from Sony Vegas Pro via JETDV's DVDA settiings. I've noticed some really bad compression artifacts in DVDA with RED colors. Is this just the compression I have to live with? I have not noticed this before on other projects. I've been using Sony Vegas since Version 3.

Here is what I did:

1. Edit in Sony Vegas Pro- 16x9, 24P
2. Curves, and Color Correction
3. Rendered to DVDA via MPEG2 JETDV"S settings- Using 24P Widescreen
4. The project is 2 DVD's both at about 50 min in length- Fit to disc.-
5. It does not re-render the MPEG2 in DVDA- Its fairly quick to prepare and burn


VBR 2 Pass

Any comments on what I might try to resolve this RED issue. (not to be confused with RED camera, just RED colors....)


Mike Kujbida
July 20th, 2009, 04:07 PM
I agree with Perrone about encoder settings.
I use his numbers for anything that's 75 min. or less.
Only after that do I get into custom VBR settings.

Red has always been a difficult colour for video, especially if it's outside of the legal limits, so do check your values and make sure.

Thomas Roberts
July 20th, 2009, 05:11 PM
Ahhhh interesting point with the RED safety Settings. I used a Conservative - 7.5 Setup on the Broadcast Colors as a final to help with the levels....I was told this would be helpful for Broadcast and DVD issues....

1. I will re-render based on your settings
2. Will the RED color issue arise again with HVx200 footage?



Thomas Roberts
July 20th, 2009, 05:13 PM
Perrone Ford,

1. No issues when rendering to uncompressed
2. No issues when I remove curves and color correction.....but images NEED both for client review
