Robbie Poff
July 20th, 2009, 12:36 PM
My Canon Xh-A1 goes into some sort of power-on-off loop whenever I try to turn it on. I'll turn the dial to say, TV, and the power light will blink on and off and I'll hear the lenses(?) whirring with every light blink. The light will turn on with an audible "click" and then turn back off with the same click. I've tried two, fully charged batteries, and AC power into multiple wall outlets. I've also tried the old "Standby/Lock" switch and that won't work. I've also tried resetting, using the button under the lcd at the top of the camera and still the same thing. But it DOES work when vcr/play is selected. Strange.
Please help!
Noa Put
July 20th, 2009, 02:38 PM
This calls for a check at Canon's service centre
Lou Bruno
July 20th, 2009, 06:38 PM
Internal power supply board/unit.
my canon xh-a1 goes into some sort of power-on-off loop whenever i try to turn it on. I'll turn the dial to say, tv, and the power light will blink on and off and i'll hear the lenses(?) whirring with every light blink. The light will turn on with an audible "click" and then turn back off with the same click. I've tried two, fully charged batteries, and ac power into multiple wall outlets. I've also tried the old "standby/lock" switch and that won't work. I've also tried resetting, using the button under the lcd at the top of the camera and still the same thing. But it does work when vcr/play is selected. Strange.
Please help!