View Full Version : night shots.

Dustin Waits
April 1st, 2004, 12:38 PM
I have never shot a short before. All my videos are based on BMX and other extreme sports. But my girlfriend and I decided to shoot something different. So she wrote a little story and we plan on making it into a little 5-10 minute movie. Problem is, most of the scenes will take place at night. Any tricks to accomplish this? Should we shoot it during the day and then make it look like night in post? If so, how would we do that? Or if we shoot it at night what type of filters should we use on our lights? I was thinking like a blue colored filter. For some reason that only makes sense to me but I've never used any kind of lighting before other than the typical light you get at best buy that plugs into sonys hotshoe. I'm on a super duper tight budget so those work lights at the hardware store at pretty much the only things I can afford. Are they decent enough to get the job done? Any idea on how to attach the filter to them? Thanks for your help.

Dustin Waits
April 1st, 2004, 12:41 PM
Oh two more questions....

We need lightening at night as well. How can we achieve this?

and this one is a bit off the light topic but...

we also need rain. Any good tricks on creating that?

Mike Rehmus
April 1st, 2004, 08:15 PM
You don't need to filter lights you use at night unless you need to make different color temperature lights match or you need a specific artistic effect.

The hardware store lights will work just fine. Although they may be difficult to get way up in the air if you need to simulate the moon or street lights.

Rain? Hose? Difficult but possible over a small area. Much more difficult over a large area. I've not had to do a large area.

Dustin Waits
April 1st, 2004, 10:37 PM
Thanks Mike.

So for the lights. Should I just use something to reflect it onto the talent and then do some whitebalance tricks with the camera to give it that blueish night look? And also, with the rain....I was thinking about it and now I dont think I will do the rain in the script anymore, we will be shooting in a remote location so unless we can time it on a rainy night then I dont think it will happen. Thanks for your input.

Ryan Gohlinghorst
April 5th, 2004, 11:31 AM
Yeah, the addition of rain can create a whole lot of problems and dangers when you are working with expensive camera equipment and power for lighting. I think losing the rain is wise.

John Jackman wrote a very good article available on called "Lighting the Darkness". It's a good read. Do a search for it. It'll teach you a lot.

Good luck with the short!