Todd Kopriva
July 15th, 2009, 08:24 AM
Adobe is looking for participants for a brief (~1 hour) online work observation and interview.
There are two sets of criteria, each applying to a different study. Read the criteria carefully before responding. Also, you must indicate in the subject line of your response which one of the two studies you meet the criteria for and wish to participate in.
The studies will be conducted over the telephone and Connect (software for screen sharing).
For the text animation study, participants must meet the following criteria:
- no experience animating text in After Effects
- experienced user of Adobe Premiere Pro
- current user of Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
- have Creative Suite 4 Master Collection or Creative Suite 4 Production Premium installed (with most recent updates) on a computer that can be connected to the Internet
- ability and willingness to install and use Acrobat Connect on the same computer as the above software
- a 90-minute block of free time between 10:00 and 16:00 Pacific Time (GMT-8) on a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday during the first two weeks of August (5August-14August).
If you meet these requirements and would like to participate in this study, please contact me at kopriva [at] adobe [dot] com, with the subject line "text animation study".
For the rotoscoping study, participants must meet the following criteria:
- no experience rotoscoping in After Effects
- experienced user of Adobe Premiere Pro
- current user of Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
- have Creative Suite 4 Master Collection or Creative Suite 4 Production Premium installed (with most recent updates) on a computer that can be connected to the Internet
- ability and willingness to install and use Acrobat Connect on the same computer as the above software
- a 90-minute block of free time between 9:00 and 16:00 Pacific Time (GMT-8) on a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday during the first two weeks of August (5August-14August).
If you meet these requirements and would like to participate in this study, please contact me at kopriva [at] adobe [dot] com, with the subject line "rotoscoping study".
Participants in these studies will be thanked profusely and given an Amazon gift card.
There are two sets of criteria, each applying to a different study. Read the criteria carefully before responding. Also, you must indicate in the subject line of your response which one of the two studies you meet the criteria for and wish to participate in.
The studies will be conducted over the telephone and Connect (software for screen sharing).
For the text animation study, participants must meet the following criteria:
- no experience animating text in After Effects
- experienced user of Adobe Premiere Pro
- current user of Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
- have Creative Suite 4 Master Collection or Creative Suite 4 Production Premium installed (with most recent updates) on a computer that can be connected to the Internet
- ability and willingness to install and use Acrobat Connect on the same computer as the above software
- a 90-minute block of free time between 10:00 and 16:00 Pacific Time (GMT-8) on a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday during the first two weeks of August (5August-14August).
If you meet these requirements and would like to participate in this study, please contact me at kopriva [at] adobe [dot] com, with the subject line "text animation study".
For the rotoscoping study, participants must meet the following criteria:
- no experience rotoscoping in After Effects
- experienced user of Adobe Premiere Pro
- current user of Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
- have Creative Suite 4 Master Collection or Creative Suite 4 Production Premium installed (with most recent updates) on a computer that can be connected to the Internet
- ability and willingness to install and use Acrobat Connect on the same computer as the above software
- a 90-minute block of free time between 9:00 and 16:00 Pacific Time (GMT-8) on a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday during the first two weeks of August (5August-14August).
If you meet these requirements and would like to participate in this study, please contact me at kopriva [at] adobe [dot] com, with the subject line "rotoscoping study".
Participants in these studies will be thanked profusely and given an Amazon gift card.