View Full Version : Hi From Wellywood, NZ

Ryan Hansen
July 14th, 2009, 04:46 PM
Hi, well I thought one day I’d get around to posting here....

I'm from Wellington New Zealand and do a bit of everything, Somehow I've ended up doing everything from mixing live bands to 48hour film festivals...

I’ve worked Stage manager at Parachute (Second biggest Stage), Done sound for my church for the last 5 or so years and have recently gotten into video now that I’m flatting with 2 guys who own a small production company. Anyway at the moment I’m into my editing, I splashed out on Final Cut Studio and love it.

Oh, I’ve also done lighting, but I keep that on the down low... :P

I'm always keen for a gig, even a free one and if it’s just cabling for a camera, anything to network learn and a laugh. I’ve found these forums interesting and detailed and learnt a lot about...well everything.... Keep up the good work

Ryan Hansen

Brian Boyko
July 14th, 2009, 10:37 PM
Hey Ryan, I'm currently in Austin, Texas, but I'm doing a self-funded feature-length documentary on New Zealand's 1993 electoral reforms, and I've been there twice, interviewing people like Peter Shirtcliffe, Geoffrey Palmer, Jim Bolger, Jenny Shipley, Bill English, and Nandor Tanczos. I even got a couple of the old McGillicuddy Serious party to come out (though I had to fly to Hamilton to do it.)

When I edit this thing together I might need some good B-Roll of places like TePapa, the Beehive, and Wellington Airport, so I'll keep you in mind.

-- Brian

Ryan Hansen
July 14th, 2009, 11:26 PM
wow that would be awesome

Ah yes the McGillicuddy Serious party, what a hoot

Policy's include:

- Full employment by carpeting the national highways
- Replacing money with chocolate fish or with sand as legal tender
- Air bags for the New Zealand Stock Exchange

What a laugh

Brian Boyko
July 15th, 2009, 07:37 AM
wow that would be awesome

Ah yes the McGillicuddy Serious party, what a hoot

Policy's include:

- Full employment by carpeting the national highways
- Replacing money with chocolate fish or with sand as legal tender
- Air bags for the New Zealand Stock Exchange

What a laugh

I loved that they called for a potato famine during a time when Jim Bolger was nicknamed "Spud."

I shouldn't laugh too hard though. Everyone (with the exception of of Winston Peters) was really nice on the shoot, but Jim was one of the nicest. I didn't know that he had Trigeminal Neuralgia either, so the fact that he really went out of the way to let us interview him was huge.

I did a stupid thing and I came to Wellington and I fell in love with it - but I'm also in love with Austin, and alas, I have neither the free time nor the money to pop over whenever I feel like it...

Ryan Hansen
July 15th, 2009, 07:45 PM
Yes I can see why, its the perfect size. Ive heard it has more bars, resturants and cafes per capita that New York...?

You'll probably find its quite colder than Austin, i think the average temp is around 15° (59°f?)...

Yes i can imangine Winston would be a bit sour, hes like that... :)

Brian Boyko
July 15th, 2009, 10:15 PM
Yes I can see why, its the perfect size. Ive heard it has more bars, resturants and cafes per capita that New York...?

You'll probably find its quite colder than Austin, i think the average temp is around 15° (59°f?)...

Yes i can imangine Winston would be a bit sour, hes like that... :)

It's very similar to Wellington, actually, though in population it's closer to Auckland.

As for the weather, I know - when I went in November 2008, I stupidly insisted on NOT getting a duvet at the hostel my first night there. (They didn't charge for it, but many hostellers bring their own, and I, stupidly, was full of bravado and confidence that "it was nearly Summer in the Southern Hemisphere.)

It was so cold that night I not only couldn't sleep, I resorted to heading upstairs to the common area and using a couple of beanbag chairs as blankets. I apologized to the staff for the situation, and from then on, I got a duvet everywhere I slept - even if they did charge.

Tauranga and Auckland had much nicer weather, but all the cool people were in Welly.