View Full Version : 'No Codec' Error!

Heinrich Dahms
July 14th, 2009, 10:39 AM
Hi All,
This weekend I filmed an event on my EX1 and filled my 2x8GB and 2x16GB cards several times over - all clips good. I also recorded some footage on my Sony 60GB harddisk, but when I try to import those clips to FCP via XDCam Transfer, I get an error report: 'No Codec'. This is the first time I have really used the hard disk and it's worrying, because there was no signal that things were going wrong when recording or in ShotPut when I backed up.
1. Is anyone familiar with this problem?
2. Is there a workaround or a way of fixing it so I can still use the clips?

I'd really appreciate you advice as soon as possible, as I need to show the material to my client.
Thanks in advance!
Heinrich Dahms
Heinrich Dahms (

Alister Chapman
July 14th, 2009, 10:47 AM
Which version of FCP do you have? You should be using at least version 6.0.4. The latest version is 6.0.6.

The codecs are part of FCP and not the transfer tool.