View Full Version : FCP - External Video Issues

Ryan Hansen
July 12th, 2009, 10:03 PM

I use to be able to preview my canvas on both my external monitor and my canvas window, now its either one or the other.... Also sync doesn't work with multicam and external video. Motion works fine, just FCP....

I'm running FCP 6.0.6 and have tried trashing the prefs.

FCP 6.0.6
OS X 10.5.7

is this a bug in FCP or some silly little tick box in the background....? it use to work fine.


Ryan Hansen
July 13th, 2009, 01:41 AM
don't you love it when you find out the answer after you post....!!! no matter what you try before hand....?

It 'cos its a 50p project and my little handycam "deck" doesn't like it....
And the other one sequence i tried must have been corrupt because i copied it all to a new squence and it worked fine.....

if only i had money to splash out on a real deck....

fun fun....