View Full Version : PPro Editors

Ethan Cooper
July 10th, 2009, 04:08 PM
Can you guys export XML files out of PPro? I'm wanting to work with some Premiere editors but I'm a FCP guy and need a way to read their projects. Any ideas?

Battle Vaughan
July 10th, 2009, 09:23 PM
You can import xml from Final Cut but not export, read about it here:
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 * Importing XML project files from Final*Cut*Pro ( /hth/Battle Vaughan/ video team

PS: Premiere 4.1 now imports and exports AAF files, I am not clear if they are compable with Final Cut or not, but I believe Final Cut has some AAF support...I have run into a reference to a free plugin from Automatic Duck that handles this in FCP; previously PPro only exported, this was fixed in the update...htyh / bv