View Full Version : Speeding up Footage

Wayne Greensill
July 8th, 2009, 05:19 AM
Hi Guy's,

Wondering if someone could help me out with a slight problem I'm having.

Not sure whether it's a problem with Premiere CS3 or Encore CS3.

Anyway here goes.

I have recenlty completed a wedding burnt it on to dvd, with menus created in encore.

But on the last chapter right at the very end, where I have been asked if I could speed up the guests at the buffet, to a particular piece of music, encore does not capture video footage.

The music is there but no footage.

Can anyone help me with, what I'm doing wrong?

I speed the footage up by just increasing it to around 800% on the timeline, in Premiere CS3.

When I export it from Premiere and watch it through VLC Player, the footage is there, it's just when I burn it on disc through Encore.

Hope you can help

Thanking you

Ray Bell
July 8th, 2009, 05:22 AM
you may need to export from Premier as non compressed AVI then bring it into Encore...