View Full Version : Pure bragging rights. Multicam Letus Extreme.

Bob Hart
July 6th, 2009, 12:42 AM
This past few days, here in Western Australia, two Sony PMW-EX1/Letus Extreme combinations have apparently been used on a small indie action short to shoot some multicamera setups where the action can only be a one-off, like car crash or similar.

I'm not on the crew but thought I would mention it. I have not heard or read of any other multicam applications of adaptors so it might even be a first.

The director/camera op chose the Letus Extreme over another product also offered and was well pleased with the palette of added creative options. ( I hope he didn't go mad with f1.2 on everything.)

Bob Hart
July 9th, 2009, 07:39 AM
Here is a frame grab from footage which was on the camera memory when it came back. I gave it a quick grade and about 25 points of sharpen to mobilise some pseudo grain.

Charles Papert
July 9th, 2009, 11:03 AM
I have not heard or read of any other multicam applications of adaptors so it might even be a first.

I think two-camera shoots are relatively common, probably not many have bothered to mention it. If there was something like 5 or 6 cameras with adaptors for a stunt scene, that might have been news-worthy!

Here's a two-camera Mini35 shoot I did way back in 2003...

Mini35 on Seinfeld / Levinson Shoot, Pt. 1 by Charles Papert (

Bob Hart
July 9th, 2009, 11:18 AM
Aw well.

It was a good notion whilst it lasted. I do remember that article now that I have revisited it. If I could have had that choice of lights on a modest project we did a few weeks back, my DP would have been in pig heaven or perhaps I should re-phrase that as "provided with his normal lighting comforts". Alas we had to make do with a blondie and some redheads.