View Full Version : Our first Same Day Edit (SDE) -heart attack anyone?

Kren Barnes
July 3rd, 2009, 02:03 PM
I barely made it (8:22 pm) to the reception showing (8:30 pm) to hand this to my partner so the couple and 250 guests can watch it...TIP: always save your work just in case your cpu crashes :) took me a good 4 hours (with the crashes and all) and 3 cups of coffee and half a pack of Marlboros to deliver the final SDE film. not for the faint of heart but very very exciting..cannot wait to do it again !!

Your thoughts and advice are always welcome...


Vanessa and Reggie on Vimeo (

Noel Lising
July 3rd, 2009, 02:36 PM
Thanks for sharing. Just an advice though, it's always best to shoot the Bride when the make-up is done. It's not very flattering to see the Bride with make-up not on. I commend you for being brave and doing an SDE, I can't do it yet. The shoe shot are you trying to animate the shoes? It did not work for me.

Overall Im sure your client enjoyed the SDE.

Kren Barnes
July 3rd, 2009, 03:21 PM
Hi Noel,

Thanks for the input...i asked the bride before hand and she said she was OK with it...
The animated shoes could've have been better..i was scared to correct it fearing that my PPro might crash again....hehehehe!!

It helps to do an SDE if you have a team (there are 3 of us) and i only shoot and edit for the SDE. I used a SONY HDD SR1 AVCHD .

i also noticed that it is a good way to advertise our service since we have 5 bookings because of last weeks SDE...can't wait to do more !!


Travis Cossel
July 3rd, 2009, 03:39 PM
Congrats for pulling off the SDE! Hopefully you got a great reaction from the guests.

A few things I noticed ...

Filming a bride before makeup .. I know Noel advised not to do it but we do it all the time and it works great. You have to keep a few things in mind, though. First, does the girl have good complexion or not? In this case, the girls does not have good complexion so closeup shots without makeup are not going to be good for her. Second, make sure the lighting is going to compliment her skin if you want to use a color shot. The closeup of her has some nasty bluish outdoor light across part of her face, and it doesn't look good. In black and white that shot would look better.

I also have to agree that the shoe-animation segment didn't work at all for me. For a shot like that you definitely need to have the camera locked down on a tripod. The shot of the shoes bouncing around the screen also didn't work for me. But hey, you have to try something different sometimes, right?

I'm also seeing a lot of auto-exposure use. Turn it off and learn the manual exposure settings of your camera. When you're in the middle of a shot and the camera is automatically adjusting exposure it takes the focus off of the subject of your shot.

Anyways, it was a decent edit, especially for an SDE. I hope my comments help you. Thanks for sharing!

Jawad Mir
July 3rd, 2009, 04:27 PM
congrats dude, they are tough to do

I have done quite a few now but pressure of my first one wasn't even there because client never asked for it. I decided I let myself go smooth on the first one so if it works it does if not, at least client didn't ask for it

But even now, there is a pressure for sure

Great Work

Kren Barnes
July 3rd, 2009, 11:13 PM
Thanks Travis and Jawad for your inputs....i'll keep in mind for our wedding shoot tommorrow...


Nicholas de Kock
July 4th, 2009, 07:01 AM
Too stressful for me! Awesome work pulling it off!

Stelios Christofides
July 4th, 2009, 08:44 AM
It's nice to be able to do a SDE if you have the manpower and time but for me, one man business, its impossible. Anyway I liked it, the shots you used are great although I noticed that in most of the shots the camera could have been steadier. I also didn't like the shoe animation.


Kren Barnes
July 4th, 2009, 10:13 PM
hahahaha!! OK more shoe animation
Thanks for the advice...