Jason LeFrense
July 1st, 2009, 04:18 PM
Hey Guys, Just wondering if you could take a look at the video and give me some advice on how it could be improved. Keep in mind that this is a Same Day Edit so some things are obvious like audio. I used the EX3 with Cinevate Brevis, Cinevate Heavy Lifter, Sony Z7, Glidecam 400HD.
Kim & David ( Pudgey) (http://jlfproductions.wordpress.com/2009/07/01/kim-david-pudgey/)
Kim & David ( Pudgey) on Vimeo (http://www.vimeo.com/5414372)
Matt Barwick
July 2nd, 2009, 01:17 AM
Great job Jason! Thoroughly enjoyed it and for an SDE even more impressive. Beautifully saturated colours.
Love the flowers in the drawer shot.
Boy - he was ripping through those vows - that's a great moment when she stopped him :) and good decision retaining it.
Seeing as you've asked for feedback, here's just a couple of comments:
The sequence of him around 1:36-1:40 the skin tones were quite a bit too warm.
Some of the shots could've didn't need to have the zoom in them. The shot of them on the golf green at 1:50 is an exception to this - that's a nice shot.
These are minor niggles only and doesn't take away from the superb edit. I can understand the overwhelming response. Great job & well done!
Jason LeFrense
July 2nd, 2009, 05:55 AM
Hey Matt,
Now that I look at I think you are right the tones are a little too warm. You are right I tend to fall in the habit of shooting the same type of shots. You know to be honest I usually shoot the same shot a few different ways and always end up using the zoom, lol. Thanks again for the response I will keep everything you mentioned in mind.
Art Varga
July 2nd, 2009, 06:26 AM
Jason - that was fantastic! - lots of creative shots. Curious as to how much scripting you do in advance vs just finding opportunities as you're shooting. Everything about this was great. Now wonder the crowd loved it!
Jason LeFrense
July 2nd, 2009, 07:14 AM
Hey Art, thanks for taking the time to watch the video. There was absolutely no scripting for this edit. It was my first time shooting a wedding at the resort. I drove up that morning and started to shoot, lol. To be totally honest I had a song picked out and a few markers in the song for edits and I ended up scrapping the song because it didn't fit the video. If you really look at the video the shots are pretty generic. Other then the flowers in the drawer but to be totally honest I think that shot was kinda silly and left it in because of time. I don't script any of my videos, there may be things I may want to try with each couple but for the most part I just fly by the seat of my pants. I'm a true believer of the couple making the video. If you have a couple who are not into you or your style, its useless. On the other hand if you have a couple who are willing to do anything you want them to, then throw the script out the window and just shoot for the moment I always find things fall in place when the couples are great to work with.
Art Varga
July 2nd, 2009, 08:54 AM
I don't script any of my videos, there may be things I may want to try with each couple but for the most part I just fly by the seat of my pants. I'm a true believer of the couple making the video. If you have a couple who are not into you or your style, its useless. On the other hand if you have a couple who are willing to do anything you want them to, then throw the script out the window and just shoot for the moment I always find things fall in place when the couples are great to work with.
Yeah - I believe in that approach too. What I was thinking of from a scripting standpoint is having a general idea of a particular shot - for example, a Glidetrack reveal shot of the wedding dress. Of course you don't know what you have to work with ( where will the dress be, what will you reveal from. where's the light, etc) till you get there but at least you have the framework for some of the creative shots you'd like to include. The more I do this the better I get at figuring out on the fly. I just hate the drive home sometimes thinking of the shots I missed!
Jason LeFrense
July 2nd, 2009, 09:13 AM
"I just hate the drive home sometimes thinking of the shots I missed!"
I totally agree with you here. I had the cameracrane setup for an entrance shot of the bride, the crane was going to come down from the sky to reveal her walking towards the groom. But my assistant forgot to do it so I was a little ticked off at that but it happens. I also forgot to record the crowd response after the SDE which I forget to do EVERY TIME. lol
Some shots like you say are scripted in the sense of you see what you have to work with and then plan your shots. Its not always that easy and the hardest part is not falling into shooting the same type of shots that you did the previous wedding. Thats my biggest problem.