Dana Salsbury
June 30th, 2009, 10:09 AM
Producing wedding DVDs that aren't stamped, often they do quirky things on older DVD players. Every now and then a client will have trouble, especially when I produce in Encore. I've got a client who doesn't see the selection indicator on the menu on one of her DVD players. I can't see anything that I can do to fix it. What do I do, send her a new DVD player?
Ervin Farkas
July 1st, 2009, 10:18 AM
I use exclusively DVD+R blanks and I burn them with my bitsetting-able burner.
This tricks any player to treat the disc as a pressed one.
Never had one returned for any reason since I started doing this.
Dana Salsbury
July 1st, 2009, 01:11 PM
I have two drives in my Mac Pro, but I'd replace one if it could help. What kind of drive is it, and what should I know about setting the bit-rate? I use Encore for Blu-Ray purposes, and burn dual-layer pretty-much exclusively.
THANK YOU ERVIN for this idea. It has really been getting to me.
Chris Davis
July 2nd, 2009, 07:45 PM
and burn dual-layer pretty-much exclusivelyDual-layer DVDs (DVD-9) have been trouble for most everybody that's tried them. I will only use single-layer DVDs (DVD-5). I've never had anyone complain about compatibility, and I've made thousands of disks with my duplicator.
Ervin Farkas
July 6th, 2009, 09:43 AM
Yes, dual layer disks are more trouble than they are worth; if you need to record more than two hours of video, use two single layer discs and put them in a double case.
As far as burners, BenQ has a few bitsetting enabled models, so does LG, and a few others. My BenQ is now about 3 or 4 years old and it worked flawlessly but you have to do your own homework, that model is for sure history now. Google around and you will easily find all the info you need.
Dana Salsbury
July 22nd, 2009, 01:43 PM
I've been burning DL DVD-R discs for a long time and don't have problems with the break like I've seen other people wrestle with. It seems the problems I've been having should be fixed with the DVD-Rom bitset.
It would help a lot to be able to stay DL (particularly with the case/shipping) but the major drawback that I see is incompatibility with PCs. Thoughts?