View Full Version : XH A1 vs XL H1S sample rates

Brian Hokke
June 30th, 2009, 09:13 AM
We created this commercial, but it doesn't really blend in between the other commercials.
It was shot with the XH A1. I guess I'll have to blame the sample rate, since this is only 4:2:0 on a XH A1 right?

What if I buy his big brother the XH G1 or the XL H1S will this fix anything,...

Jack Walker
June 30th, 2009, 12:05 PM
With the other cameras you mention, for 4:2:2 you need to capture live on another device on the SDI out. Otherwise, the cameras are all the same.

If you want a different look and don't want to lose quality during processing, perhaps you should try an intermediate codec like Cineform. You can download the Cineform trial (including First Light) and see if it gives you what you want.

In general, I've seen that commercials don't necessarily match one another. There can be significant style differences with the quality remaining high. I have also seen big differences between the looks of commercials seen in different countries... though these were probably all shot on the same type of equipment, with wide variations in equipment being used.

Commercials used all over are shot on everything from 35mm to DV.

Noa Put
June 30th, 2009, 12:57 PM
In what way doesn't it blend in? It would be good to see another commercial you are referring to to see what exactly the difference is.

Jonathan Shaw
June 30th, 2009, 03:59 PM
What were the other commercials shot on? Also what about Magic Bullet they make some great plugins which you get get some different looks

Brian Hokke
July 9th, 2009, 07:28 AM
I guess I'm refering to big budget commercials like pepsi or coca cola, i guess those big guys shoot on more expansive cams. ;)

Ive used the Magic bullet plugin it's great! :)

Bill Pryor
July 9th, 2009, 08:01 AM
You're comparing apples and oranges, then. Most national spots are shot 35mm film or high end HD cameras. And they spend many thousands of dollars in post-production, often manipulating every single frame for maximum quality and a specific look. The original image, regardless of what it originated on, is only the tip of the iceberg on that level of production. Think truckloads of lights, days to setup a scene, a crew of dozens of people, more money spent on lunch than you have spent on equipment. If you have the lighting expertise and all the necessary lights and controls, you could shoot your spot on the XH A1, take the footage to one of the high end post houses, and the end result would be a commercial that would fit in with the big boys but look just a bit softer and probably not quite as good in color, but would be acceptable. If you have a quarter million dollars (USD) you don't need, you could try that.