View Full Version : Filter

Gary Randall
June 29th, 2009, 07:44 AM
Newbie question.

I am shooting weddings with my VX2100. Should I have a UV filter on my Cam or not? Most of the wedding are indoors, and I want to protect my lens. I noticed a small scratch in the conner of the lens. It does not show on tape, but it got me wondering about using something over my lens all the time. Do they make clear lens covers?


Adam Gold
June 30th, 2009, 02:44 PM
Lots of debate on this, especially in the HD world. A UV filter essentially *is* a clear lens cover. I've always used them for protection but many purists insist that any extra glass will degrade your image. In the SD realm this degradation, if it exists, may not be noticeable. I consider a UV filter cheap insurance to avoid having to replace a fixed lens (which these days may be more than the cost of a new cam).

Tom Hardwick
July 10th, 2009, 10:26 AM
Gary - it might just be a mark in the coating of the VX2k's front element - have you tried using a micro-fibre cloth and giving it a careful clean? Huff on the lens and in bright sunlight go boldly. The multi-coating of modern photographic glass is pretty tough - you'd have to set out to damage it to succeed.

If it is a scratch in the element it may well be outside the 4:3 rectangle that forms the image, so you're lucky.

I guess I'm one of the 'purists' as I advise everyone to avoid using filters unless absolutely necessary. A polarizer can't be replicated in post, and if you're filming on wind-swept beaches then a UV is a good idea.

But for weddings? How accident prone are you? And think on this - Sony have already added 3 elements in front of the 12x zoom's front element (the VAP assembly) and you want to add yet another?

And a VX2k1 for weddings Gary? Are you shooting weddings in 4:3?


Gary Randall
July 11th, 2009, 10:20 AM
Thanks Tom, not a small scratch, I was able to clear it


Gary Randall
July 11th, 2009, 10:21 AM
Tom, I am shooting in 4:3

Tom Hardwick
July 11th, 2009, 03:31 PM
That's interesting Gary. Do marrying couples in VA who can afford your services come home from honeymoon and switch on an old 4:3 CRT? I ask, because I don't know the answer. Here in the UK it would be very, very unlikely to happen.


David Lewsey
July 15th, 2009, 08:20 AM
That's interesting Gary. Do marrying couples in VA who can afford your services come home from honeymoon and switch on an old 4:3 CRT? I ask, because I don't know the answer. Here in the UK it would be very, very unlikely to happen.


A bit of deja vu here LOL