Denis OKeefe
June 25th, 2009, 11:33 AM
I tried to encode video from the Canon 5D to XDcam EX 30P with Quicktime pro, then write the files to a card so I could playback via SDI (it is a long and painful tale but it makes a little bit of sense). WHen I drag the files to a bpav folder they just don't show up.
Any ideas of the is possible?
I'm trying to transfer a large number of Canon files to Beta SP for a project half shot on XDcam, half on the Canon. Betacam is what the producer wants, at least for now.
Craig Seeman
June 25th, 2009, 01:16 PM
This makes a little bit of sense? To who, the producer?
Drop clips in Final Cut Pro and get a good video card that can downconvert on output. Maybe a Kona card but there are others.
Drop in to FCP with sequence set to EX codec and render. Then use export to MP4
Easier to show than explain and I apologize in advance for having to point elsewhere for the video.
Final Cut Pro timeline to XDCAM EX MP4 (
I'd question why the producer wants BetaSP when files don't require decks.
Denis OKeefe
June 25th, 2009, 02:12 PM
Thanks for the info Craig. Trying to get producers (and sometimes camera crews) moving forward is like herding cats - this makes sense to someone paying the bills, not to me.
Due to lack of sleep I was thinking of going SDI then dumping to Beta to maintain quality. After additional coffee I woke up, realized quality ain't the happening in the convert from the Canon or XDcam to Beta, so I'm dumping it composite.
Ultimately they'll work off a drive and realize they don't need big decks for big pictures.
Thanks for the link and the dash of reality!