View Full Version : Vimeo in Wordpress without letterboxing...

Jonathan Bufkin
June 21st, 2009, 10:17 AM
I've seen this done on several blogs but I can't seem to figure out how. Here is one my video Markus & Megan :: Trailer on Vimeo ( As you can see it is in 16x9 aspect ratio.

Noa Put
June 21st, 2009, 11:18 AM
Hi Jonathan,

I just copied and embedded the vimeo code right into the html section of a post and changed the width and height of the video to fit the page: see here: vimeo test|videograffiti ( That seems to work ok.

I have had my share of problems getting the right size embedded on my wordpress sites, on my business site I use a plugin, a older version of wordtube (1.60) as that one gives me the opportunity to set the size for each individual video that I host on my own server.
It also has a nice playlist option, see here: NOAFILM videoreportages en fotoreportages|Portfolio - VIDEO (
Problem is this plugin had gone through some updates and they removed the option to determine the size individually. That's no problem if the size of your video's is always the same.

On my other personal blog I use a theme from woothemes; groovyvideo, that allows to easily copy/past embedcode right in the post and it will display any video in the right size with a nice frame around it.
See here: Casino te Mol-Gompel|videograffiti (

I really like this approach because I don"t have to worry about setting anything right, it has been hardcoded right in the theme and you can change the aspect ratio inside the post if necessary.

btw; that's a really nice looking demo you got there :)

Jonathan Bufkin
June 22nd, 2009, 12:11 PM
Thanks for all the great info Noa! I'm assuming you need to host your own Wordpress Blog and not the option in order to do this? I'm about to do some experimenting and I will get back to you.

Noa Put
June 22nd, 2009, 12:18 PM
I never used the free .com version so could be that this is more limited, I have a relatively cheap account with a webprovider were I installed wordpress on. Installing is literally 5 minutes and there are high quality and cheap themes available (approx 70 dollar)
I"m installing a new theme as I write now, my older one was a real good video theme but my blog has become too big and needs more stucture. Over at Woothemes they have a deal now were you buy 4 themes but only pay for one, I couldn't resist...:)
If you have any more questions just let me know, will gladly help.

Jonathan Bufkin
June 22nd, 2009, 12:56 PM
Good call on WooThemes! Looks good. I was able to get it to work using the self-hosted option. I had the server space but I am just lazy I guess :) Thanks again for your quick response.