View Full Version : KM184 vs AT4051A for guitar/percussion

Jonathan Plotkin
June 19th, 2009, 11:20 AM
I'm starting to film musicians (mostly guitars and percussion) and I want to do a better job with the audio. I'd be working in informal settings indoors, sometimes placing the mics up close and sometimes recording a group with a stereo pair. I'm currently using Oktava MK-012s with the super-cardioid caps but I'm looking at a pair of used Neumann KM184s I can get for $400. each. Another alternative would be to get AT-4051a mics, which would allow me to swap out a cardioid capsule for a super-cardioid and also boom it for dialog. The AT-4051a gets a really positive review in an emusician shootout of small condensor mics, but I'm not sure how much weight to give the review. You can find it here: Smokin' Condensers - A roundup of seven small-diaphragm cardiod-pattern condenser microphones ( . I can get the AT4051a new for $300. plus add a supercardioid cap for $200., so it makes it a better deal... Any advice appreciated!


Gerry Gallegos
June 20th, 2009, 03:56 PM
Go with the KM184, that is a great deal, if not tell me where to buy
you can never go wrong with KM184s that is a GREAT deal you found on them, and those guys are worth every penny even at their retail price , even if they are 10 or 20 yr old. allways worth owning quality.

Besides you allready have the Oktavas for your hyper work.

Jonathan Plotkin
June 21st, 2009, 11:54 AM
Gerry, thanks for the nudge. I figured it was a really good deal but I'm trying hard not to let myself get seduced - I hate to admit it but it just would be so cool to own a couple of KM184s... What the hell, it's Father's Day, I should just go for it, right?

Ty Ford
June 21st, 2009, 01:08 PM
the km 184 are a little bright, but if you like that, then fine. The km 84, now discontinued, are a little more natural sounding, if you can find them in good working order.


Ty Ford

Jonathan Plotkin
June 24th, 2009, 09:07 PM
Turns out I was able to get the pair for $680. delivered so I pulled the trigger and they should be here tomorrow. Thanks Gerry and Ty for your help - much appreciated!


Gerry Gallegos
June 26th, 2009, 06:59 AM
Lucky #^%$ ..... You'll never regret that decision..

Enjoy my friend.

Now youll be one of the lucky ones that can say "oh.. thats why they'r so expensive, and everyone wishes they had them" .