View Full Version : CineForm 64-bit Support in Beta for Vegas

David Newman
June 18th, 2009, 10:27 AM
We are now opening the 64-bit VfW codec for public testing. This requires a 64-bit OS and a 64-bit Vegas 9 install. It is also recommended that you update one Vegas component to help with smooth playback at sub-resolutions (see the Sony knowledgebase - CineForm codec playback issues in Vegas Pro 9 ( The component is free for decoding and will be enabled for encoding in a few days (possibly today) with a beta release of Neo HD/4K (64-bit encoding is not currently planned for Neo Scene -- decoding will be included.)

Install steps:
0) Make sure you have Neo Scene or Neo HD/4K installed.
1) Download the 64-bit codec here :
2) unzip to a local folder (anywhere)
3) Double click on InstallCFHD64.bat
4) Start your 64-bit Vegas 9 and playback CineForm AVI at full speed and quality.

Feedback we need.
1) If any clip fails to decode or crashes, we need to see those samples.
2) Please report any anomalies.
3) Please report if it works well (well believe is it a tad faster.)

David Newman
CTO, CineForm

P.S. I removed the need to the extra DLL.

Gary Brun
June 18th, 2009, 11:31 AM
HI David.
I installed the Vegas suggestion and also added the .bat you suggested.
I receive this error.

Problem Description
Application Name: Vegas Pro
Application Version: Version 9.0 (Build 562) 64-bit
Problem: Unmanaged Exception (0xc0000005)
Fault Module: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll
Fault Address: 0x0000000077143047
Fault Offset: 0x0000000000053047

Fault Process Details
Process Path: C:\Program Files\Sony\Vegas Pro 9.0\x86\FileIOSurrogate.exe
Process Version:
Process Description: Sony File Interface Surrogate (not visi
Process Image Date: 2009-04-16 (Thu Apr 16) 15:55:24

Machine details...
i7 920, DDR3 1600x 12gig
Vista Ultimate 64
P6T SE Board
Quadro NFS 450

David Newman
June 18th, 2009, 11:35 AM
When and how? More details please.

Bill Ravens
June 18th, 2009, 12:21 PM
Hi David...

I attempted to install the 64-bit trial to my installation of Windows7. The installation failed. I suspect that it won't install because my trial version of NeoHD has expired on the Windows7 installation. I have already used both allowable validations of NeoHD, one of which is on this same computer(I have a dual boot setup of WinXP(32 bit) and Windows7(64 bit). Any chance I can reuse the validation key already used on this computer's 32-bit OS?

David Newman
June 18th, 2009, 12:33 PM
Hi David...

I attempted to install the 64-bit trial to my installation of Windows7. The installation failed. I suspect that it won't install because my trial version of NeoHD has expired on the Windows7 installation. I have already used both allowable validations of NeoHD, one of which is on this same computer(I have a dual boot setup of WinXP(32 bit) and Windows7(64 bit). Any chance I can reuse the validation key already used on this computer's 32-bit OS?

This component is not licensed, so that is not the issue. Remember decoding is free. To run the .bat installer you may need to "Run as Administrator" -- I haven't tried Windows 7.

Gary Brun
June 18th, 2009, 12:34 PM
When and how? More details please.

What do you mean "when & how"?
I followed the instructions on Sony site for their .dll and followed the instructions you wrote here. The time is also showed in the error report I posted.

Then when I start vegas I get the error I posted.

One thing that is noticible is that if you dont send the error report and leave it in the background you can still use vegas 9. As soon as you send the report it shuts the program down.

David Newman
June 18th, 2009, 12:50 PM
You haven't mentioned load clips, or project or anything, those are the when and how? If particular clips cuase a crash, we will need those clips. Or is Vegas crashing on it own without any footage?

I should have mention, please have at least Neo Scene or Neo HD installed. This component does require some DLLs we install with those packages.

Gary Brun
June 18th, 2009, 01:15 PM
You haven't mentioned load clips, or project or anything, those are the when and how? If particular clips cuase a crash, we will need those clips. Or is Vegas crashing on it own without any footage?

I should have mention, please have at least Neo Scene or Neo HD installed. This component does require some DLLs we install with those packages.

Hi David.
I have prospect HD vs 4 installed.
The crash happens on start up for me... before I import footage.
If I dont "send" the error log... I can use cinefrom clips on the timeline without a problem.

David Newman
June 18th, 2009, 01:18 PM
Wow! That doesn't sound right. If we had crashed you wouldn't be successfully using our clips.

Manually delete c:\windows\system32\cfhd.dll
Start Vegas.

Does it crash or not?

David Newman
June 18th, 2009, 01:52 PM
Note. I just added Step 4) above, there was a missing DLL.

Gary Brun
June 18th, 2009, 02:48 PM
Wow! That doesn't sound right. If we had crashed you wouldn't be successfully using our clips.

Manually delete c:\windows\system32\cfhd.dll
Start Vegas.

Does it crash or not?

No David it does not crash.

David Newman
June 18th, 2009, 02:54 PM
Gary, as I we have since found what you where missing a DLL, I'm not show hopw you could be playing anything, are you sure you running the 64-bit version of Vegas? On another forum I have reports of it working correctly (with the addition of the missing DLL.)

Gary Brun
June 18th, 2009, 03:04 PM
Gary, as I we have since found what you where missing a DLL, I'm not show hopw you could be playing anything, are you sure you running the 64-bit version of Vegas? On another forum I have reports of it working correctly (with the addition of the missing DLL.)

Im sure David.
See error log above.
Application Name: Vegas Pro
Application Version: Version 9.0 (Build 562) 64-bit

Gary Brun
June 18th, 2009, 03:14 PM
OK David.
Some more info.
The first aviplug.dll that Sony issued a fix for (think I downloaded and installed about a week ago) I downloaded again and found it to be a different size.
I have now replaced with the latest and added all your files and the xtra dll as suggested.

It now works fine for me in Best full 1920x1080x 32; 29,970
No skips or reverting to preview.

David Newman
June 18th, 2009, 03:16 PM
Im sure David.
See error log above.
Application Name: Vegas Pro
Application Version: Version 9.0 (Build 562) 64-bit

Unfortunately the error log is not pointing to a CineForm component, so not much I do with the info. Did you add the missing DLL? There is likely some secondary issue that we are missing.

Please download the 64-bit version of Depends from Dependency Walker (depends.exe) Home Page (

Run that free application. The from the File menu select Open and go to c:\windows\System32 and select CFHD.dll. It will tell you what DLLs might be missing or needed to use the new CFHD.dll on your PC.


Gary Brun
June 18th, 2009, 03:23 PM

Warning: At least one delay-load dependency module was not found.
Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in a delay-load dependent module.

David Newman
June 18th, 2009, 03:36 PM
OK David.
Some more info.
The first aviplug.dll that Sony issued a fix for (think I downloaded and installed about a week ago) I downloaded again and found it to be a different size.
I have now replaced with the latest and added all your files and the xtra dll as suggested.

It now works fine for me in Best full 1920x1080x 32; 29,970
No skips or reverting to preview.

Aaaahhh! Classic, user error. ;) You installed the Sony 32-bit AVIPlug.dll into your 64-bit system (boom!), as last week they only had a 32-bit patch (now they have both.) Nothing to do with CineForm -- hopeful we haven't put too many people off from trying this out. Glad it is working, and yes it seems pretty fast in 64-bit.

P.S. IESHIMS.DLL is not needed.

Gary Brun
June 18th, 2009, 03:41 PM
Aaaahhh! Classic, user error. ;) You installed the Sony 32-bit AVIPlug.dll into your 64-bit system (boom!), as last week they only had a 32-bit patch (now they have both.) Nothing to do with CineForm -- hopeful we haven't put too many people off from trying this out. Glad it is working, and yes it seems pretty fast in 64-bit.

P.S. IESHIMS.DLL is not needed.

I do opologise... and I bet Im not the only one who is going to do it :-)

David Newman
June 18th, 2009, 04:32 PM
I just re-uploaded the so it no longer needs the libmmd.dll. Making it simpler for new testers.

Glenn Thomas
June 19th, 2009, 02:02 AM
Hi David, a couple of quick questions here.

I'm currently running Neo HDV. My camera is a HV20 with a 35mm adapter that I'll be using at least until the Scarlets get released. So the flip option is essential for all my captures.

Now if I was to upgrade to Neo HD and installed this codec on Vista 64 running the 64 bit version of Vegas 9, would I be able to use my old Neo HDV files on the timeline? Currently only the audio is imported, even though the videos play back fine in Vista 64's Media player. Or would I need to convert them to Neo HD files using this 64bit codec?

Also, will First Light work with the 64 bit codec? And if so, would it make any difference if my original footage was at HDV resolution from the HV20?

Bill Ravens
June 19th, 2009, 07:46 AM
G'day David...

This is just an FYI post.
Installation of the 64-bit CF decoder on Windows 7 continues to fail due to a permissions problem with "system32" directory. I had to manually copy the dll and inf files into "system32". Once copied, I tried to execute rundll32 and, again, received a "could not copy cfhd" error message. After rebooting the system, however, I was able to access the 64-bit decoder within Vegas 64.

I am hearing repetitive "clicks" in the audio. Not sure what the source of the noise is, but, the original file is OK.

David Newman
June 19th, 2009, 08:59 AM
G'day David...

This is just an FYI post.
Installation of the 64-bit CF decoder on Windows 7 continues to fail due to a permissions problem with "system32" directory. I had to manually copy the dll and inf files into "system32". Once copied, I tried to execute rundll32 and, again, received a "could not copy cfhd" error message. After rebooting the system, however, I was able to access the 64-bit decoder within Vegas 64.

I am hearing repetitive "clicks" in the audio. Not sure what the source of the noise is, but, the original file is OK.

Haven't looked a Windows 7 yet. The audio issues are not us if it only happening in 64-bit, the codec is video only, it is Vegas that is extracting the audio. If the clicking are happening at the convertion stage, please get the source to support, with the conversion settings you used.

Marc Salvatore
June 20th, 2009, 12:08 PM
FYI: I had the same problem as Bill not being able to install the file in Windows 7.


Daniel Moreno
June 25th, 2009, 06:58 PM
Codec wouldn't install under windows vista. I had to run command promt as administrator, navigate to unzip folder and run from there. It worked that way. (I tried running the bat file as administrator but it didn't help)

David Newman
June 25th, 2009, 10:06 PM
On my Vista-64 installs, have not issue, but I happy you have worked out a work around to use the beta.

David Newman
June 25th, 2009, 10:11 PM
Here is the new 64-bit codec and builds

version 5.1.1 of the 64-bit codec


Only new element is these builds are to support the new 64-bit codec, otherwise they are the same as the current release software.

Daniel Moreno
June 27th, 2009, 01:10 AM
I want to buy NeoScene to use with Vegas pro 9 (64 bit) to work with footage from a Panasonic GH1 and Canon HV30 (need to remove pulldown)
I am still in "trial" phase, but having lots of trouble to make that combo work. Previously I used a NeoScene trial with Vegas 8.0c and it worked just fine.
Can NeoScene work with 64-bit Vegas?
Are the codec issues with the new version solved? I managed to install the 64-bit codec with a NeoHD trial. I can edit my cineform captured files, but as soon as I go to "render as" vegas crashes...