View Full Version : First model bride video

Ricci Ocampos
June 12th, 2009, 05:49 AM
Comments welcome shot with ex1, steadicam pilot, letus extreme, sv8 w/ mbl and lots of energy drink......

Don Bloom
June 12th, 2009, 05:59 AM
there's no link.

David Schuurman
June 12th, 2009, 06:08 AM
I appreciate the minimalist approach, but I didn't find it very riveting. the images didn't capture my attention. I wasn't sure on the length either.

jk,jk... no link...

Ricci Ocampos
June 12th, 2009, 06:57 AM
Here it is THE BRIDE on Vimeo (

Susanto Widjaja
June 12th, 2009, 06:57 AM
Omg.. love the flying shot across the river.. extreme DOF was beautiful.. strong coloring with the mbl.. everything is there.. except... the link..

sorry.. can't help myself..


Susanto Widjaja
June 12th, 2009, 07:03 AM
Hi, sorry, I posted my post right before you post the link.

I've watched it and my "guess" comments wasn't far off.

My only critique would be that it was kinda too long and the pilot shots is losing its "wow" over time. extreme shots was beautiful though. I'm sure the bride will be very happy seeing this.

so.. still.. LOVE IT!!


Ricci Ocampos
June 12th, 2009, 08:10 AM
Santo , your right ive noticed that too , maybe cutting the song or fading it out shorter will make it better. What do think about the color corection through MBL, not sure about it. Any suggestion or stick to the natural colors. Thanks sorry about d missing link

Susanto Widjaja
June 12th, 2009, 08:14 AM
I think the color is great! can't go wrong with that.

shortening it will work wonders and have a much greater impact.

don't love your steadi shots too much.. just get rid of them!!! hahaha

I know the feeling of wanting to put every steady shots in the piece.. I'm that kinda guy.. but now I'm learning to just pick 1 out of 5.

Ricci Ocampos
June 12th, 2009, 08:36 AM
Im not that fun with steadicam anyway, theyre heavy and have to wear that SWAT VEST. So no choice 45 minutes of carrying that thing and only 1 steadyshot to put in is nothing but adding insult and injury to my back. Hehehe letus shots still rule... Any other comments welcome

Don Bloom
June 12th, 2009, 09:03 AM
It was pretty good but for me there were a couple of things that kind of got to me.
One it was too long I would cut the song by about 1 minute or 1:30-also, IMO there were too many shots of the photog working, some of the steadicam shots were a bit wobbly and finally the freeze frames of the bride that you turned didn't do anything for me.
Now having said all that, overall it was nicely done but I think it could be tightened up a bit.

Ricci Ocampos
June 12th, 2009, 09:58 AM
I know, shorten it a little bit. Maybe a different song. The video was actually made for the photographer so i have to put some still shots and spiral it a little bit. But otherwise i like your observation and comments. Thanks don

Ricci Ocampos
June 12th, 2009, 07:25 PM
thanks for any comments

David Schuurman
June 12th, 2009, 08:10 PM
I enjoyed the work but I have to agree with the other comments made about length and too much steadicam. It's forgivable though.

Was that a real bride on her wedding day? because it really didn't seem like she was very happy, nor was there anyone else around, she also gave "modeling looks" alot.

just curious.

Ricci Ocampos
June 12th, 2009, 08:37 PM
but once a bride... shoot basically for the photographer in action with the model bride.....yeah we want something different away from 123 say cheeseeeeeeeeeeeee smile.. kinda,,,, thanks david i appreciate your comment...

Mark Schlicher
June 13th, 2009, 10:46 AM
Overall, some very nice work.

Shorter duration will make it more effective, both for your client the photographer, and for you.

Lots of good Steadicam operating. Loved the low mode stuff. I think the biggest weakness in the Steadicam work was not "too much" of it, but the seeming lack of purposefulness of some of it. In other words, more of the shots should "land" somewhere. The shot should lead you to a destination (in most cases the bride), and hold a lockoff. As it is, too many of the shots just feel like they're cut off in the middle....we're being led somewhere but never get there. Also, watch your headroom, and slow down sometimes.

You could also smooth some of the transitions with dissolves. Dissolves are often overused, but if you use a few, they can be a welcome and effective variation.

My 2 cents...

Walt Paluch
June 13th, 2009, 11:03 AM
Love it

Don't change a thing. Its perfect all the OLD GUYS use transitions to MUCH, that video is outstanding.

Ricci Ocampos
June 13th, 2009, 12:47 PM
Comments like this is very well taken and deliver into my sometime numb and overwhelmed brain. Thank you so very much Mark and Walt

Mark Schlicher
June 13th, 2009, 10:36 PM
Just a bizarre comment. How old are you, Walt?

You thought it was perfect? Really? No constructive suggestions for improvement at all?


Love it

Don't change a thing. Its perfect all the OLD GUYS use transitions to MUCH, that video is outstanding.

Don Bloom
June 14th, 2009, 05:11 AM
Love it

Don't change a thing. Its perfect all the OLD GUYS use transitions to MUCH, that video is outstanding.

I too noticed this and take umbrage to this comment as I am an old guy and haven't used anything besides fades,dissolves and cuts in so long I can't even count how many years it's been so please don't lump all us old guys together.
Age is mind over matter...if you don't mind, it don't matter.

Walt Paluch
June 14th, 2009, 12:11 PM
To many comments from others like, short this , change that, do this. Just ask him for the footage redo it your way.

If its done well, let him know. Just because you would do it his way doesn't make it better, it only changes it to your liking.

52, 15 years of video experience. I see everyones work and its all good. I get my best ideas from those who give there OPINIONS and always do it the other way.

I see my work from 15 years and laugh, but my brides still call and tell me they love it. Asking for opinions form this forum is sure to blow your confidence.

If you like it and the brides like it thats what counts. I really liked it just the way it was.

Ricci Ocampos
June 16th, 2009, 05:18 AM
the fact of the matter is that we are all artist in our own way. is doesn't matter if your a rookie or a professional we all do have opinions and critiques to everything that we do. im sure that goes with steven spielberg if he ever post his work here and wants comments then will be jumpin on him with wild ideas,critique and praises just to get his lets be fair and mindful to others comments.....anyway thank you all for taking the time to look at my first attempt humble video "THE BRIDE" at least i tried . i appreciate it and happy to be a part of this community of cinematographers.. still any comments welcome.....

Mark Schlicher
June 17th, 2009, 07:51 PM

As I said, I like the video overall very much. I understood that you wanted comments, not just compliments. In the spirit of being constructive I offered my opinion. If my comments came across otherwise, my apologies.

As I said, your Steadicam operating was very good, particularly for someone with limited experience. I believe that shots "landing" or leading somewhere specific is generally a hallmark of good storytelling, whether Steadicam or not.

I've done a lot of shooting and editing for documentaries and multicam concerts, and I almost never use dissolves. Cuts are simple, direct and powerful. However, dissolves can be useful occasionally, and, in the case of your video, might smooth out some of the places where you seemed to leave a Steadicam shot abruptly.

Walt, I still don't understand your "OLD GUYS" comments but I agree that dissolves can be overused (which is why I stated so in my original post.) I agree that critiques should be kept positive and encouraging, and above all, respectful.

PS: I'm 54 and have been shooting 10 years and editing for 5 years. In the business 20 years overall.

Paul Cascio
June 19th, 2009, 06:26 AM
Nice job, but that model is going to kill you. She's the most unhappy looking bride I've ever seen.

Dave Blackhurst
June 19th, 2009, 11:13 AM
OK, So I wasn't the only one that thought the "bride" (I suspect the "model" aspect here lost that "special glow") looked pretty unhappy... I don't think that's really an effective "image" to have when you're trying to promote to women looking forward to the happiest day of their life, but maybe for some markets it will work?

No matter how good your gear and technique, it's a pain when you get "talent" that is having a rough day for whatever reason... at least with photography you can usually get a forced smile long enough to squeeze off a decent shot here and there!

Paul Cascio
June 22nd, 2009, 12:22 AM
She certainly didn't look like someone about to get married. At least not voluntarily. Glad I'm not the groom. In fairness, maybe she's not an experienced actor.