View Full Version : A Love Story

Jason Magbanua
June 11th, 2009, 08:48 AM

I'd like to share with you a video we produced last May. (premiering for the first time with subtitles ;-))

This video came after the heels of Manny Pacquiao's 2nd round TKO of Ricky Hatton (with all due respect to Mr. Alex Hill and David Robin). The fight was awesome. But the documentary HBO produced - 24/7 - was even more so. I was so inspired by interviewee placement and the rhythm and pace of the edit that the Love Story I was editing just organically morphed into this final piece.

Enjoy and thanks for watching!

This was entirely shot with Canon 5Ds, including audio capture and colored with magic Bullet Looks.

Noel Lising
June 11th, 2009, 09:27 AM
I ran out of adjectives. that was numero uno.

Richard Wakefield
June 11th, 2009, 09:44 AM
Really liked it and all the little touches...totally different to any other Love Story i've seen!
another winner from the JMag!

Susanto Widjaja
June 11th, 2009, 10:40 AM
That's a long piece.. but its not boring...!!! well done!!!

love the font used in it and the quick and edgy edits that happen once in a while.


Juan Todoli
June 11th, 2009, 10:43 AM
Edit. Now works.

Good job.

Russ Motyko
June 11th, 2009, 11:34 AM
Beautifully done! Love the edit and the look of it.

David Schuurman
June 11th, 2009, 04:12 PM
First of all let me say that was a great piece! So perfectly out of the box with the editing and the story and everything really. You really pushed the 5D with this piece, the bicycle shots pushed the CMOS sensor to the limit, your slow motion pushed the 30fps framerate, and it looked like you used some pretty low shutter speeds sometimes which was pretty cool.

I think the only thing I didn't like was the framing on the interview starting at 47 sec. Is there a reason for all that headroom and empty space? I also didn't like the lack of a close-up on the interview at 1:52. I would've liked to see it on the wide then punch in to a MCU or something.

I also want to commend you on some really nice color grading. I enjoyed the blue gym shots because I personally find it very difficult to apply a blueish grade without it looking cheezy and overall bad.

So, again I just want to congratulate you on a fantastic piece.

Matt Barwick
June 11th, 2009, 05:11 PM
Hey Jason,

I think I've previously commented about this one on your blog but this is one fantastic piece.

So refreshing, upbeat and 'out of the box' compared to the standard love story pieces (not that there's anything wrong with them) :)

The titling, dream sequencing and fast paced edit were all fantastic. I'll echo Noel with the 'ran out of adjectives' line. Great job once again and thanks for sharing the motivation behind it!



Jacob Malotavinksy
June 11th, 2009, 10:17 PM
wow, that's really inspiring!

John De Rienzo
June 12th, 2009, 02:56 AM
Hope you don't mind me giving a slightly different viewpoint.

It was very good but there were a few things I found jarring.

I felt the framing was not right at parts in the interview set up. Whether done intentionally or not there is too much headroom in some shots, and I am not sure why you framed the gentleman to the far right when he was speaking to his right!

Other than that, good job.


Asvaldur Kristjansson
June 12th, 2009, 03:17 AM
wow, that's was inspiring and great coloring work. The comment about framing on the interview did not bother me. It seems to be a trend to have a big headroom as in there, it gives me a videoblog feeling to it and my guess is Jason did it on purpus

David Schuurman
June 12th, 2009, 05:39 AM
I dunno if it's the right choice to shoot improper framing if it's distracting. I felt the choice of framing left when he was speaking right was a good one, and didn't distract from what he was saying nor was it jarring to me. The other interview with massive headroom makes her look small and unimportant. I think in that scenario we have a responsibility to the client to present them in a way as to make them look good, even if it's a stylistic choice on our part to do something with the framing we have to make sure it doesn't send a subliminal message about the individual in it.

Susanto Widjaja
June 12th, 2009, 07:06 AM

I think the framing is AWESOME on the interviews

some words to describe it would be "artistic" "cool" "daring" "wow" "different"

I guess its (again).. subjective opinion


John De Rienzo
June 12th, 2009, 03:25 PM
'I think the framing is AWESOME on the interviews'

I don't agree Susanto. If someone else shot this I would say the same, its not about bias.

I am sure Jason knew what he was doing when he did it, but it is still distracting.

How many rules can we break before it's broke!

I don't understand why someone would be placed to the far right when talking to the right.

Or headroom like this.

Don't get me wrong it's a great piece, but let's be a bit more!


Kren Barnes
June 12th, 2009, 04:16 PM
that is why JMag is one the premiere, if not the best, videographer in the world...

John De Rienzo
June 12th, 2009, 04:29 PM
Lol, I guess we should all give praise! dare we not....

Jason Magbanua
June 12th, 2009, 04:59 PM
hi all! Thanks for tgaking the time to watch and commenting.

I'll type off a quick reply before i have to get on a plane.

Going into the shooting, i made a conscious effort to frame the interviews differently. I am very much aware of the 'looking room/rule of thirds' principle of talking heads and I've grown tired of it. I think it worked with the vid i refered to in the post - pacquiao 24/7, i did not see how it wouldn't work with weddings.

It's a flimsy excuse but i'll go for it, given John's disapproval (and I totally get it), it boils down to personal preference.

I personally think the groom's framing was great even without the looking room. It was dynamic, well composed and well lit. I'm sorry I can't say the same for the girl at the center. Wish i could have given her more thought. I was gunning for framing variety and that's that.

I totally understand rules and boundaries. It's just part of my nature to see how far I can go.

Thanks for the interesting discussion.

John De Rienzo
June 12th, 2009, 05:14 PM
Hi Jason,

Thx for not biting my head off, lol!

I can see exactly where you are coming from and why you did it. Your abilities or knowledge were never in question.

We all try out new things to keep our creative side flowing.

I don't think what you did was right or wrong, and I am sure your judgement was right, it just felt odd.


Oleg Kalyan
June 13th, 2009, 11:45 PM
That was refreshing ( thanks to so much water and gym shots, and a great looking people in from of the camera :)
very creative in it's own right, at times I thought there were a bit of variety of angles, going to a different degree to the eye level, of B&G and the friends.
Yet it stilulates the story, pushes it forward.

Nice work Jason, enjoy that you push the limits away!