View Full Version : Multiple Video Scopes

Phil Gosselin
June 10th, 2009, 02:40 PM
Hi all,

Since I haven't yet mastered the use of the Vectorscope I rely on the Waveform for the levels and RGB Parade for colors.

I can have Vectorscope and the RGB side by side but this is not possible for the Waveform + RGB combo.

Is there a way then to have more than one instance of the Video Scopes window so that I could work with both and not have to switch everytime I level/color correct (I usually do these at the same time)



Seth Bloombaum
June 11th, 2009, 12:52 PM
...Is there a way then to have more than one instance of the Video Scopes window...
I don't think so. Coming from a more traditional (pre-digital) background, I'd suggest that learning to use the vectorscope supports good workflow. I don't know of a good online vectorscope tutorial, but I'm sure they're out there.

Mostly I use the vectorscope when correcting to assure I've not gone outside legal NTSC colors, and, to do any color matching, whether that's scene-to-scene or for graphics.