View Full Version : EX 1 and external monitors

Bob Kerner
June 9th, 2009, 06:19 PM
I'll be shopping for an external monitor soon. The Smallhd and Manhattan are on my radar as inexpensive solutions. One thing my research has uncovered is that the EX-1's lcd information does not transfer via the connections used on the less expensive monitors. I'm particularly interested in peaking and zebra

What output/cable combination from the EX1 would I need to use to be able to see peaking and Zebra on an external monitor? I've read that the component out does not send this data.

People do use peaking and zebra on their external monitors, don't they?

Is this feature absent only in the lower-priced monitors; in other words, is it available on higher-end monitors such as the Marshalls?


Doug Jensen
June 9th, 2009, 08:18 PM
Zebra and peaking aren't output from any of the EX1 and EX3's connectors, so you're not to be able to see them no matter how much you spend on a monitor.

Of course you can purchase high-end monitors that have built-in waveform displays (I have a 17" Panasonic that has that ability) but that's not the same thing as viewing the camera's actual zebra signal.

It would be nice to ouput zebra and peaking, but that isn't going to happen.

Bob Kerner
June 10th, 2009, 11:37 AM
Thanks for the definitive explanation Doug.

How do people work around not having zebra/peaking on the monitor?

Isn't it a limitation not having that? I recall from your video that you are an advocate for using both.

Doug Jensen
June 11th, 2009, 07:44 PM
Hi Bob,

Sorry for the slow reply, I'm on the road this week.
I can only speak for how I do it, but I think I'm fairly typical.

There is no need (or advantage) to using an external monitor for setting exposure, I just use the zebra pattern I see on the EX1 or EX3's LCD screen. I can hit perfect exposure 99% of the time just with Zebra 1. I mean, to set exposure I've got to be standing right next the the camera anyway, right? So it's easy just to use the zebra that is shown on the camera's LCD.

Like I said before, my monitor also offers a waveform display, but personally, I find zebra to be much easier and faster to use than a waveform. If someone else told me that they liked to use the waveform, I'd have no argument with that. Whatever works for them.

For focusing, my Panasonic 17" is good enough that peaking isn't even needed. I would not even have it turned on if I could output it from the camera. With a good professional montor It is very, very easy to see whether the camera is focused or not.

The bottom line is that for focusing and setting exposure, a large external monitor doesn't offer a lot of advantages. The advantages you get from a good, calibrated external montor are for judging color, contrast, framing . .. and it's just a hell of a lot more comfortable to use. I have my Panasonic mounted on a c-stand next to the camera and I can raise it, lower it, spin it around, etc. very easily. I love having a monitor in the studio and for interviews. For outdoor b-roll or hand-held shooting, I'm perfectly happy just using the camera's monitor.

Alister Chapman
June 12th, 2009, 12:38 AM
I completely agree with Doug's comments. Peaking is there to compensate for the small size of the viewfinder and simply isn't needed with a good sized, full HD monitor.

Mitchell Lewis
June 12th, 2009, 07:24 AM
Marshal is about to release the first OLED portable monitor. (check out their website under the "New at NAB" listings on their home page) I saw this monitor side-by-side with their other monitors and it's beautiful. Kind of like looking at an LCD next to a Pioneer Plasma. The blacks are MUCH better with the OLED.

Plus, Marshal has had peaking and exposure adjustments in some of their monitors for about 6 months now. Plus, they have "one-to-one" for critical focus. If you want the HD-SDI version (they call it 3G) then you'll need to spend a little money. I think it's going to sell for around $2500. But that's the monitor we're looking to purchase as soon as it comes out.

i would like to purchase a monitor with a built-in waveform/vector scope, but they are just out of our price range.

Bob Kerner
June 12th, 2009, 09:21 AM
Thank you gentlemen for your assistance!

Andrew Hollister
June 12th, 2009, 12:06 PM
With the size and resolution of my SmallHD, I don't miss peaking at all. But, like Doug mentioned, it's there on the camera's LCD, if and when I want the second opinion.

Trevor Meeks
June 13th, 2009, 08:06 PM
With the size and resolution of my SmallHD, I don't miss peaking at all. But, like Doug mentioned, it's there on the camera's LCD, if and when I want the second opinion.

Word! SmallHD rules - the OP should definitely consider them for his EX1!

Bob Kerner
June 14th, 2009, 05:46 AM
Word! SmallHD rules - the OP should definitely consider them for his EX1!

Yes,I am Trevor, that's what prompted me to ask me questions. Unfortunately they don't seem to be selling them through the website. It looks like they haven't opened general sales since the pre-order period closed. One of the frustrating things I've found with smaller independent companies in this industry is you can't be quite sure when your order will turn up due to manufacturing delays etc.

Trevor Meeks
June 14th, 2009, 02:03 PM
Yes,I am Trevor, that's what prompted me to ask me questions. Unfortunately they don't seem to be selling them through the website. It looks like they haven't opened general sales since the pre-order period closed. One of the frustrating things I've found with smaller independent companies in this industry is you can't be quite sure when your order will turn up due to manufacturing delays etc.

they're slated to open the general store this month. you can contact dale and try to get specifics if you'd like. I assure you, it's worth the wait! They're coming VERY soon.