View Full Version : A wedding teaser in reverse - hit or a miss?

Matt Barwick
June 9th, 2009, 12:50 AM
Just put this little teaser together from the past weekend's wedding and wanted to try something a little different so cut the events in reverse. I know similar things have been done before but this is a first for me.

I'm pretty happy with it but would love some feedback if you have the time.

Brett & Haylee teaser (

Couple hasn't seen it yet so it's password protected: barwick74



Paul Mailath
June 9th, 2009, 02:07 AM
ohh - that was different - loved the rings at the end (or was that the start?)

It works for me because it leaves things unsaid, which I assume should be the point of a teaser - to tease or entice.

Dean Morris
June 9th, 2009, 02:32 AM
Hi Matt,

The reverse works well to finish at the start.

Could I just say that for me personally, it's a very slow song and the slow mo felt a bit too slow. For me, the first shot didn't seem long enough which didn't give me the opportunity to appreciate it in the same way as the church seen at 0.43. I liked seeing some of the close ups mixed in with the dancing & wondered if you toyed with more real time dancing - very much liked the audio inclusion. Perhaps also, a bit of audio during the vows may give more connection to the piece. Loved the close up of the bride and the ring shot..very clever.

Matt Barwick
June 9th, 2009, 11:42 PM
Cheers Paul & Dean for taking the time to view and comment - much appreciated.

Dean - fair point with the slo-mo and generally I really try to steer away from using it. I did this edit both with and without slo-mo but with this particular track (which was their bridal waltz) only a couple of the shots felt right in real time. Ditto with the cross dissolves.

I have to give credit for the backwards spinning ring shot. I really like Ray Roman films and this was an idea I got from one of his recent clips, and thought as this one was edited in reverse it would be a perfect closing shot.

Thanks again!

