Bill Spearman
June 9th, 2009, 12:40 AM
A commercial client asked me some time back to see if I can clean up a consumer video made of a seminar he gave. Since I am finishing my trial workthrough of Vegas, I though this would be a great working trial. It was a "hard room", and the video was shot with the on camera mic of a consumer camera, so echo and rumble are fairly constant. In addition, there are background voices from the meeting room adjacent to this seminar. I have looked through the various audio options in the trial version of Vegas, but now need to ask for suggestions. Help? Thanks!
Edward Troxel
June 9th, 2009, 06:53 AM
I think I'd first take a look at iZotope RX or Sony's Noise Reduction plugins as a place to start.
Jason Robinson
June 9th, 2009, 06:44 PM
A commercial client asked me some time back to see if I can clean up a consumer video made of a seminar he gave. Since I am finishing my trial workthrough of Vegas, I though this would be a great working trial. It was a "hard room", and the video was shot with the on camera mic of a consumer camera, so echo and rumble are fairly constant. In addition, there are background voices from the meeting room adjacent to this seminar. I have looked through the various audio options in the trial version of Vegas, but now need to ask for suggestions. Help? Thanks!
I purchased Sound Forge almost exclusively for the ability to use the excellent Noise Reduction plugin. Turns out, I now do almost all my audio work in Sound Forge because it is so easy how the two apps tie together.
The VASST tutorial on Audio does have a lot of good techniques to try and clean up bad audio BUT..... there is virtually nothing that can be done for actually bad audio. IF the audio is only slightly bad, then NR or SF might be able to help if combined with graphic EQ, and a few other tools. But prepare your client for the fact that bad audio is just that.... bad. You can't turn a home movie into Lord Of The Rings.
Bill Spearman
June 9th, 2009, 06:50 PM
Thank you both for your insight. I will try to demo them & see if I make any progress. I appreciate the suggestions!