View Full Version : How do you get text to travel around the world
Ken Olson June 6th, 2009, 05:15 PM I have a rotating earth globe and would my text to come from behind the world, pause in front, and then roll back behind it in the other direction.
I did something similar in Ulead MSP8 using the "Cylinder-3D" effect I think, but can't figure out how to do in Vegas. I played around with the Spherize, but can't get it to do what i want.
Ryan Laytart June 7th, 2009, 12:21 PM Maybe play around with the punch effect. Place it on the text event, then add a cookie cutter to create the circular border around the text (maybe with some feather.) Add movement from left to right (or vice versa) on the text. Hopefully that should achieve what you're looking for.
Ken Olson June 9th, 2009, 10:54 AM Thank you Ryan for replying.
I've since discovered setting the Track "Compositing Mode" to "3D Source Alpha" and have played around to get close. But I can't get the text to actually curve. (see attached)
I also tried playing around with your suggestion of the "Punch" and "Cookie Cutter" effects, but didn't get very far. Any chance that you could send me some sample settings, so I have an example to use as the base for my project?
John Gordon June 9th, 2009, 12:18 PM you could try putting together that sequence with Bluff Titler. Just a suggestion.
Ken Olson June 9th, 2009, 12:49 PM Thanks for the suggestion John, but there must be a way of doing this without having to purchase an add-on?
Mike Kujbida June 9th, 2009, 12:57 PM Ken, Vegas is a 2D app, not a 3D one so you're asking a lot from it.
Having said that, I did a search elsewhere and came up with the following ($$$) suggestions: Boris FX, Boris Red, Adobe AE, Lens Correction (part of one of the NewBlue FX collections).
For free, give Wax ( a try.
Ken Olson June 9th, 2009, 01:14 PM Oh well, looks like I was dreaming. After seeing all the creative videos on YouTube, I assumed Vegas could do it.
Thanks guys for your suggestions.
Steve Renouf June 9th, 2009, 05:26 PM If you're looking for an inexpensive (free) way of doing 3D stuff, try Blender - it's a steep learning curve but it's really powerful.
Blender.Org (
Jason Robinson June 9th, 2009, 06:26 PM Oh well, looks like I was dreaming. After seeing all the creative videos on YouTube, I assumed Vegas could do it.
Thanks guys for your suggestions.
Vegas is especially weak (still) in 3D text manipulation. Overall, it is pretty terrible for anything but the most simple of text effects & movements.
Ryan Laytart June 9th, 2009, 10:15 PM I've attached my best attempt at using vegas to create your effect. As Robinson said, vegas is a weak 3D program.
Jason Robinson June 9th, 2009, 10:22 PM Thank you Ryan for replying.
I've since discovered setting the Track "Compositing Mode" to "3D Source Alpha" and have played around to get close. But I can't get the text to actually curve. (see attached)
I also tried playing around with your suggestion of the "Punch" and "Cookie Cutter" effects, but didn't get very far. Any chance that you could send me some sample settings, so I have an example to use as the base for my project?
That is pretty good, for what Vegas can do. If Vegas had any real knowledge of 3D objects other than 2D squares joined into a 3D object, then it wouldn't be such a royal pain to do this.
Now that I saw your version, I think the closest you can get with Vegas is to put each letter on its own track, and arrange the tracks in a circle so that they bend around in an approximate circle. Put them all as child tracks in a parent track and then rotate the parent track in a circle.
Ken Olson June 10th, 2009, 05:17 PM Thanks Ryan for taking a stab at it. It looks like John's recommendation of BluffTitler is exactly what will do it, fairly easy to use and not too costly. There is also a very detailed tutorial on the site.
Check out the "Windows Vista" and HD Resolutions" screen shots here:
BluffTitler DX9: 3D Effects for Video Titling and Digital Signage - Screenshots (
Ryan Laytart June 10th, 2009, 05:24 PM Looks like a killer application. I think I'll look into getting it, myself.
Stan Harkleroad June 10th, 2009, 08:43 PM Bluff Titler is a fantastic program. Not to difficult to learn and not super expensive. I know it's a pain to have to use another program but you'll find it's well worth the extra effort.
Steven Reid June 12th, 2009, 06:32 AM I used Bluff Titler exactly for the globe effect you're trying to achieve. Loaded the pre-made project from the BF gallery (in BF), replaced the orbiting text with my own, rendered, dropped into Vegas, added ~15s intro music, rendered, and had my own slick-looking into for my movies. It was incredibly easy and looked fairly professional, in contrast to much of the cheesy effects you can also achieve with BF. I find myself using BF every now and then for stuff that I couldn't possibly do (by myself) in Vegas. Well worth the inexpensive investment.
Ken Olson August 3rd, 2009, 11:06 PM I purchased and used BluffTitler as Steve suggested. I'm posting a link to the source project file as well as a sample clip in case anyone else needs to do the same.
BluffTitler Final project (
Thank you to all who took time to help!
Terry Esslinger August 4th, 2009, 12:49 PM Ken,
Looks very nice.
Where did you get the 3D globe with clouds in relief?
Steven Reid August 4th, 2009, 01:57 PM I purchased and used BluffTitler as Steve suggested. I'm posting a link to the source project file as well as a sample clip in case anyone else needs to do the same.
BluffTitler Final project (
Thank you to all who took time to help!
Ken, I'm glad that it worked out for you. When I need some spiffy graphics or title, I usually cruise through BF's gallery to pilfer and modify projects, i.e., stand on the shoulders of others. I'm always amazed at how slick some of the projects are. The best I can do left to my own looks incredibly cheesy and amateur. :)