View Full Version : Suggested bitrate for H264 and 1080 resolution?

David Horwitz
June 5th, 2009, 06:38 PM
I've been using 4 million bps for 720, what's your suggested bitrate for 1080? I think an approximately 2 hour file is about 3.5 GB at those 720 settings, and I'd like to be able to fit a 1080 file of about the same length onto a DVD, but of course I need the best quality settings without overdoing it and having an unncessarily large file size. Your suggestion?

Thank you!

Edit: Well, I did the math, and it appears 1080 is 1.5 times 720, so I believe that's 6 million bps. And my project is 95 minutes long, so that should work for a DVD.