View Full Version : My next coming soon video !

Franklin Bencosme
June 5th, 2009, 07:00 AM
Hello friends !

Just to share my next coming soon, from one of those
great couples that will make our wedding work more fun !

Any coments are welcome......Franklin

Patricia and Damian on Vimeo (

Matthew Craggs
June 5th, 2009, 07:19 AM
I have to admit that I couldn't get past the music. It's a great song, but the only thing I think about when I hear it is the end of Requiem for a Dream, and that is not the type of feeling someone should get when watching a wedding. Did you try any other music? Perhaps something that sounds as epic but isn't known for being part of movie about drug addiction?

Noa Put
June 5th, 2009, 07:31 AM
It was well edited to the music but I found it the music too dramatic. The vignette you applied in post was quite noticeable, it can give a nice touch to your image but when it gets too noticeable it draws the attention too much.
I don't understand the language so don't know what was said in the beginning but did I see right that you were holding your middle finger up in front of the lens a few times? It looked like that to me and that's not really something you want to use as demo for your other clients.

John De Rienzo
June 5th, 2009, 09:31 AM
Firstly remove the first section with the couple walking talking and your finger!

Secondly remove the obvious vignette.

I have seen this style done so many times now including by myself that it does not impress me so much! I'm not saying it's dated, but....

Great editing and some great visuals to compliment it.

Maybe too dramatic, but it's all personal preference.!


Jim Snow
June 5th, 2009, 12:24 PM
One thing to be careful with is the shooting angle with full-figured women. Try to choose angles that minimize rather than maximize their figure. One of your shots was a low angle shot from behind on the beach that doesn't flatter the bride very much. You can't make her smaller than she is but try to be creative with angles and perspective - at least it will help.

Franklin Bencosme
June 5th, 2009, 01:21 PM
Hey thanks to all your coments!!

About the scenes(yes the fingers is one) and the music, they
were chosen by the WRIDE and GROOM!!

Yes the music is dramatic (I like those music), but I think it
will match this COUPLE because this is the STILE of video
weeding they whant ,so THEY LOVED IT.

I tagged on FACE BOOK, to Bride and Grom, so friends will look the COMING SOON!
and we recived 44 great coments(on face book),just in a few hours!

Yes my market is (High end brides),is very WILD (no classic), but
this is my market and for me it works !!

Thanks again for the coments!

ps- sorry my english

David Schuurman
June 5th, 2009, 03:04 PM
I agree with everyone else that showing yourself giving an obscene gesture is not part of a smart business model. However, it seems to fit the shot even though I don't understand what they're saying but from what I gather he made a joking jab at you the videographer and in return you responded with a matching response which the groom seemed to find funny. So in that situation it seems to me you had a rapport with the couple which allowed such interaction and from what you just posted; all your couples are like this...So though I know I would never do that, it seems perfectly fine for you to do the same. though it might come shoot you in the foot in later years as the couple grows older and watches the video with a different mindset.

Jim Snow
June 5th, 2009, 03:09 PM
it might come shoot you in the foot in later years as the couple grows older and watches the video with a different mindset.

It's a bit like the party where everyone was drunk so anything goes but the next day when everyone is sober, there are sometimes different thoughts and regrets.

Paul Mailath
June 5th, 2009, 05:10 PM
I thought it was great! as a trailer/teaser it's enticing, dramatic, I want to see more. I didn't like the finger (I wasn't sure what it was).

As far as being 'dated' is concerned - that depends on the audience. what might be considered dated in London can still be fresh and original on the back blocks of Australia or Barbados. We need to know our audience and cater to them. It would be foolish to pass by all the great ideas that have developed over the last few years and just go for the latest fad.

Franklin Bencosme
June 5th, 2009, 06:41 PM
To be honest, I don't like about MY FINGER in the TRAILER, but what they
say in SPANISH (very funny) during that moment, my finger is part of this
coments talking about the video during the walk when we are living
from the photo shoot after 2 hours of work with the pothographer, yes the one
that you see(VERY EXPENSIVE) in the coming soon,but they WHANT MY FINGER.

One thing about our wedding work, in my country video and photographers
are part of the wedding, they trust us like any other guest, so that makes
you feel part of the wedding, and of course this makes our job easier.

This is are culture about weddings in my country, 90% of the couples
will ask for VIDEO for they're wedding day!!. thanks GOD !!

Thanks again.. Franklin