Kenneth Burgener
June 4th, 2009, 08:44 PM
Ok, I have searched the site, and read the manual.
Today I was out shooting birds, and I went manual focus. In the view finder the regular MF appeared.... manual focus. I got that. Today it said MF- H. OK what is the H for?
I have not seen this in 16 months.
Hope this is a quick answer.
Dany Badaoui
June 4th, 2009, 08:49 PM
How to Set Canon XH A1 Preset Focus Speed
Now I want to talk about setting the speed of your focus preset. When we did the zoom preset I told you that the speed that you have your constant zoom speed set to is what your zoom preset is going to zoom in on. So, we have those one through sixteen options. Not quite as many options with the focus preset, but we do have three, low, middle, and high. You can see on our display, right here, there's a little 'MF-M' and that means we're on the middle right now. If it says '-H' you're on high, '-L' you're on low. Let's go ahead and switch to one of those. To do that, we'll just go into our menu and then we're going to go into camera setup and then we want to scroll all the way down to the next page. Then, here it is, it says 'F Speed preset' which means focus speed. Then, if you click on it you can do a low, middle, of high. So, let's do a high and check that out. So, we'll close our menu, come back over to our card, and do another focus preset. I've got focus preset on, looks like I'm in good focus now, so I'll set it. I'll manually go out of focus on purpose and let's just turn it on. Much faster! You can see, you can set that speed. You don't have too many options, high being the fastest, low is slowest. You have those options if you want to use them. I would think that, most likely, you'd be wanting to use the slow option because it seems like you could pretty easily do the fast one yourself, but it's harder to get a slower manual rack in and rack out focus. That's how you set the speed on your focus preset.
How to Set Canon XH A1 Preset Focus Speed | Expert Village Videos (
Kenneth Burgener
June 5th, 2009, 01:24 PM
Some how my camera got put into focus preset. Now I know what the H is for. Thanks for your help.