View Full Version : FCP to AE CS4 on PC Workflow Question

Jeremy Hughes
June 4th, 2009, 12:11 PM
I have a music video I'm in the process of cutting currently. I'm trying to nail down a surefire workflow to make sure all of my footage is going to stay safe going from FCP into CS4. Can someone tell me if I'll be ok?

1. Edit XDCAM footage in FCP and lock cut
2. Render any clips with speed ramps into Prores 422
3. Copy and condense project (collect all used clips without trimming)
4. Use Remaster to convert all media files into Cineform HD
5. FCP XML file to Premiere Pro - offline XDCAM footage and online with CHD footage
6. Rebuild any missing transitions
7. Move footage over to PC and project files
8. Rewrap into AVIs
9. CC and effects work in AE
10. Cineform HD output for visual master
11. CHD video in timeline with final audio mix on FCP

My footage takes full use of 110 IRE lum and I want to make sure I dont chop the top of it off anywhere. I wont have an issue with this anywhere, will I? Thanks for the help!

Jeremy Hughes
June 5th, 2009, 10:53 AM
Anyone using a workflow between FCP and post/fx work on a PC?

Christopher Drews
June 5th, 2009, 11:11 AM
Not sure why you wouldn't just make a dpx / image sequence. Seems like too many steps for something pretty straight forward - Is this because you want to stay in Cineform?


Jeremy Hughes
June 5th, 2009, 11:17 AM
I'd like to stay with Cineform and also be able to import the project into AE with the clips setup properly as layers instead of one long img seq. I think the steps upfront will actually buy me time on the backend as well. I'll be moving within several programs for tracking, compositing and finishing on the PC, AE will be the main one but not the only one. Hope that makes sense.