View Full Version : RED clips. Why?

Paul Fierlinger
June 4th, 2009, 09:44 AM
When I load another project from the current one and later return to the previous one, most of my clips show red (but some do not?!). To fix this I have to exit Vegas and start up again. This seems to be an obvious bug so is there a workaround to refresh these clips without having to exit the project?

Don Bloom
June 4th, 2009, 11:12 AM
which version of Vegas are you using?

Paul Fierlinger
June 4th, 2009, 11:29 AM
Sorry, Vegas Pro 9.0

Don Bloom
June 4th, 2009, 02:08 PM
my experience with the dreaded "red clips" usually means that it's corrupted in some way and like you find that closing out and reopening Vegas in many cases takes care of it at least for that session. I always wondered if it was just because I'm using version 6 (I know-old) but appearently not. Perhaps it has something to do with simply the HDD that the clips are on and when it opens theres some sort of hiccup with the drive. I'm sorry I can't be more definitve.

Paul Fierlinger
June 4th, 2009, 03:42 PM
Thanks, Don, but I don't believe this is the case in V9 because it happens only when I open another project from the file menu and then return -- that's when they turn red. As an animator I create all those clips frame by frame and know with certainty that they are not corrupt -- they work perfectly well when uploaded to other applications, or when used in V9 without opening another project. I wonder if someone here would be willing to recreate what I describe here. The project is 720 (progressive) 24 fps and the clips are uncompressed avi.

Jeff Harper
June 4th, 2009, 04:42 PM
Paul 64 bit or 32 bit?

64 bit has issues for some, and some of what I've experienced with it gets weird as you described with mts files. Very bad.

Paul Fierlinger
June 4th, 2009, 04:50 PM
32 bit with 8 bit Pixel Format.

Jeff Harper
June 4th, 2009, 04:56 PM
I haven't had your symptoms with Vegas 9 32 bit, but that doesn't mean anything.

This upgrade has been buggy for some people and it has show a variety of idiosynchrocies.

Paul Fierlinger
June 4th, 2009, 05:13 PM
I've been a beta tester on my primary application, TVPaint, for almost 10 years and I can tell you I am used to living with bugs -- actually enjoy catching them, but a few always slip through our hands. It's usually not so much that we never tried enough things but the combinations of hardware and interaction with other applications in people's computers can be hard to predict.

Eugene Kosarovich
June 6th, 2009, 11:50 PM
Although in general Vegas Pro 9 has been doing well by me, I have also had some red clip issues like you describe. This is when working in XDCAM HD.

For me it happened when I deleted a section of a project and then undid the deletion. The clips came back as red clips, and I couldn't get them back even when reloading the original project, until I closed down Vegas and relaunched it.

So there's some kind of bug in there.

Jim Andrada
June 7th, 2009, 02:09 AM
Hi Paul

Haven't seen you on this forum for quite a while, glad to see you posting again. Thanks to you I got TVPaint - amazingly good application. Apologies for being OT. I have Vegas 9 but haven't installed it yet so I'm all ears re bugs.

Paul Fierlinger
June 7th, 2009, 03:24 AM
Hello Jim,

Outside of this small bug Vegas 9 has been very good to me. What I find interesting about the bug is that it happens only on clips that are pencil tests -- never on clips to which color has been added. If I have a project with a combination of the two varieties, only the pencil test clips turn red. In addition to this I have found that it is not necessary to close Vegas down to fix this but to open a third project and return.

OT: We will be demonstrating TVP's version 9.5 starting tomorrow at the animation festival in Annecy, France. We've been testing a new storyboarding concept which will also allow users to work on several clips simultaneously -- hard to describe (and no need for that on this edit forum) but just to let you know that you can expect some interesting innovations in the near future.

Ryan Laytart
June 7th, 2009, 12:05 PM
My recent experience with red clips brought me to the "Dynamic Ram Preview" in the preferences. It's found under the Video tab. I increased it to 1000, and just like that, the red clips were no longer red.

That's probably what I'd check, first.

Also, a while back, I experienced the red event symptom on some tracks that had bad codecs. These ones would not even render. It took me a while to find a convertor that would make those tracks useful again, but after a while I figured it out.

Best of luck!