View Full Version : Split Screen help

Josh Townsend
March 28th, 2004, 11:30 PM
I'm shooting a movie in a month with a dvx100 and I would love to do a split in the middle of a continous steady cam shot.

The lead guy is walking along then gets a phone call - SCREEN SPLITS WITH THE GIRL WHO'S CALLING HIM - they talk and then the screen UNSPLITS as the guy finishes the scene in one uninterrupted take
Anybody have any idea? I have after effects, premiere, vegas and avid dvxpress to use in post.

Thank you very much, I learn so much from this board.

Josh Townsend
Empty Bottle, Loaded Gun Productions
Jacksonville Florida

Keith Loh
March 29th, 2004, 12:51 AM
This is easy to do in AfterEffects. Lay down three tracks. Have the continuous shot of the guy on one track. Then at the point you want the split, lay down the track of the girl and the guy on two separate tracks. You can then select either of the clips and resize them so that they fit on the same screen. You can then turn off the opacity of the contnuous video segment until the split segment is over.

This is really a basic thing that you can do with After Effects. Play with it and it will come naturally.

Josh Townsend
March 29th, 2004, 12:59 AM
Thank you, good idea, but I really would like to slide the resized clip of the girl talking into the continous clip then slide it out. Is that possible?

Josh Townsend
Empty Bottle, Loaded Gun Productions

Ed Smith
March 29th, 2004, 02:34 AM
Hi Josh,

In Premiere you could use a motion filter when you wish for it to slide in and out. And possibly use the transform filter to resize the clips. You could be lucky and get away with just using the motion filter as you can also resize clips with it.

What version of Premiere are you using?

Since this is about how to do the effect with different programs i'm moving the thread to the PC NLE forum.



Edward Troxel
March 29th, 2004, 08:04 AM
It's also easy to perform this task in Vegas. Just put the calling person on a track above the walking person, fade in and out however you desire and using Pan/Crop and/or Track Motion to define and position the caller. You may need to use Track Motion to adjust the placement of the walker too (would be best to make sure he's in the right place in the frame to begin with allowing for losing the other half.)

Keith Loh
March 29th, 2004, 10:51 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Josh Townsend : Thank you, good idea, but I really would like to slide the resized clip of the girl talking into the continous clip then slide it out. Is that possible?

Josh Townsend
Empty Bottle, Loaded Gun Productions -->>>

It sounds like you haven't tried it out in After Effects because this is a basic function. All it takes is a good eye and some patience. Using the tracking controls would also accomplish the same thing.