View Full Version : what's the point of save the date or SDE?

Paul Mailath
June 1st, 2009, 06:49 PM
maybe these should be different threads but the question has been bugging me for a while..

Save the Date - I don't get it, what's the point? is it supposed to replace the invitations? why would a couple ask and pay for this type of shoot?

SDE - I'm not interested in doing one, too much pressure on the day but I can see that it would really go down well at the reception. I do intend to offer something to be shown at the reception (it's awesome advertising) but not footage shot on the day.

Arn't we shooting ourselves in the foot what we say "it will take 8 to 12 weeks to edit" and then turn around and produce something spectacular while the guests are finishing off the creme brulee. If I were the customer I'd be wondering why the rest of the DVD takes so long and costs so much.

I intend to offer to shoot the couple's 'story' to show at the reception but I'm allowing myself plenty of time to do that.

I guess I'm playing devils advocate here but I think we need to be clear, what we are offering and why - not just doing it because everyone else is.

Aaron J. Yates
June 1st, 2009, 07:50 PM
maybe these should be different threads but the question has been bugging me for a while..

Save the Date - I don't get it, what's the point? is it supposed to replace the invitations? why would a couple ask and pay for this type of shoot?

Save the Date is not meant to replace invitations. Couples are now doing Save the Date cards and/or videos and they're sending them out far ahead of the invitations. Since normally invitations go out only a month or two ahead of time, the Save the Date stuff does just that -- it tells their guests the date far ahead of time so that they can make plans. I've seen people do refrigerator magnets, postcards, and now videos. I think the videos work well because you can email them to your prospective guests, or if you're in the spending mood you can have DVDs printed and sent out.

At least, this has been the experience in my market. I can't speak for everyone.

Joel Peregrine
June 1st, 2009, 08:08 PM
Hi Paul,

SDE - I'm not interested in doing one, too much pressure on the day but I can see that it would really go down well at the reception. I do intend to offer something to be shown at the reception (it's awesome advertising) but not footage shot on the day.

Until you've done one successfully and been on the receiving end of the praise from guests, the countless enthusiastic referrals from the couple and the instant respect amongst other vendors its hard to describe the "why" of an SDE. Yes, its stressful, but anything worthwhile is to some extent. The greater benefit is the way it exposes people to what we're capable of. Far too many believe we're still doing that they've seen from 10 or even 5 years ago. The long term benefit to the industry gained from the exposure an SDE earns is priceless.