View Full Version : The Marriage Medium, a short film

Sverrir Fridriksson
June 1st, 2009, 01:39 PM
About a month ago I frantically put together a short film for The Reykjavík Short Film Festival in Iceland, after I had to scrap or rather postpone an earlier project meant for the same competition. Sadly it didn't make the cut, which was disappointing since I made the cut two years ago with a short film I feel today is rather inferior to this one. Instead I submit it to you.

Putting it online brought up many problems, mainly with the quality and lighting, I tried all sorts of render methods I read about online but couldn't find anything to make the quality good enough. I also had to lighten up scenes which got far too dark on youtube, although they look quite alright, although (atmospherically) dark, on my tv-screen. So the technical part of the whole thing is rather poor already but I hope you can still enjoy it and I welcome any comments.

The language is Icelandic but I put some English subtitles.

YouTube - The Marriage Medium (

The film was shot with a Sony PD150.