View Full Version : VX1000 vs VX2000 in lowlight?

Matt Buys
May 30th, 2009, 08:17 PM
How do the two compare? Thanks.

Adam Gold
May 30th, 2009, 08:30 PM
Do you mean the old SD VX1000, the predecessor to the 2000 and 2100? Or the new HDV FX1000? I only ask because I haven't seen many questions on the VX1000; seems like it's off everyone's radar screen.

But based on the specs, the VX1000 was rated at 4 lux, the 2000 at 2 lux, and the 2100 at 1 lux. The FX1000 is rated at 1.5 lux at 1/30th, which you'd never really use. View these skeptically.

Don Bloom
May 31st, 2009, 06:13 AM
IF you ARE talking about the old VX1000 (I'm looking fondly at mine - it finally died :-( but it was a great camera) anyway IF thats the case the VX2000 blows the doors off the VX1000 in practical terms. I don't know the numbers but Adam took care of that, all I know is from practical usage-comparing the VX1000 to my PD150 (same as VX2000).

Matt Buys
May 31st, 2009, 12:32 PM
Old VX1000. I'm glad I asked because in terms of low light I would have guessed it was better than the VX2000 (Not in any other features) and I was just about to sell it to another DVI member on that basis. Thanks.

Don Bloom
May 31st, 2009, 03:22 PM
since the VX1000 was introduced in 1995 and IIRC the 2000 about 5 years later along with the PD150 there is no way it could be better BUT it was one of the if not THE first miniDV camera out for the prosumer market and in it's day was the champ. I actually used mine as a backup and 3rd or 4th camera until it went to camera heaven about 2 years ago. :-(
One dayI'll bring myself to give it a proper disposal