View Full Version : Timecode doesn't transfer on CF import from Sony Z7U

Stephen Gradin
May 29th, 2009, 10:09 AM
I have yet to be able to figure out why all of my HDV m2t clips that I import from Compact Flash on my Sony Z7U Camcorder do not transfer the corresponding timecode in my NLE (Premier Pro Cs3 w/Matrox RT.X2). Every clip starts with 00:00:00:00. I know I am recording continuous TC while shooting, I am using record run. Timecode transfers fine when capturing from tape. I start the TC using 1 hour for the first tape/CF card, 2 hour for the second tape/CF card, etc. All the settings in CS3 seem to be fine and like I said, tape capture does indeed transfer the corresponding TC. I use the Sony Recording Unit Utility software to import all of the CF clips (it automatically joins the long clips together, the ones that go over 21 minutes long). If anyone knows, please tell me how to import the correct timecode for clips from my CF cards. Thanks.

Chris MacDonald
June 7th, 2009, 09:59 PM
Having the same problem so please help me too.


Adam Gold
December 12th, 2009, 05:57 PM
I'm having the same issue, except I'm using free run, time of day, synched using TC LINK on four cams, so I really need the timecode to transfer so I can sync. Must be a Premiere setting somewhere, as there's really nothing to set in either the MRC1 or the Sony RU Utility.

Recording simultaneously to tape and card, and the tape captures just fine with the correct timecode. But the imported m2t clips all show zeroes as their start points. Using a separate utility I confirmed that the TC is in fact on the clips, but Premiere just doesn't seem to be seeing it.

Any thoughts? The guys over at the Adobe forums have lots of questions but no answers either.

Stephen Gradin
December 13th, 2009, 06:58 AM
I have yet to get an answer for this one. The only think I've heard lately is that the metadata (that carries the time code data) is not transferring from the Sony flash card unit on the Z7U (or Z5U). I have heard that XDCAM time code transfers, so I don't think it's Adobe. My guess it that it's the Sony flash card recorder or the format of the M2T files that won't allow the timecode to transfer over. My only solution is to record on tape and transfer the TC that way.

Harm Millaard
December 13th, 2009, 07:52 AM
I can confirm that XDCAM-EX does transfer time code. Don't know about the other cameras.

Adam Gold
December 13th, 2009, 11:51 AM
...and as I said I can confirm the TC is on the transferred clips via DVMP Pro. It just doesn't show up in Premiere.

Sort of erases the reason I moved up to the Z5s.... puzzling and frustrating.

Wondering if this is not an issue with CS4. I'm going to have to break that shrinkwrap soon.

Stephen Gradin
December 13th, 2009, 12:31 PM
I also heard recently that Sony Vegas (the newest version) will read the TC from the CF card reader that comes with Z7U (option on Z5U). So, it may be an Adobe issue. I've called Adobe about this, and they say that since I use Matrox RT.X2, they just blame that as the problem. If you are using Adobe by itself and have problems, then I guess it's not my Matrox card. I would not get CS4. CSNext is coming out in 2010. I would wait for that.

Colin Browell
December 13th, 2009, 12:59 PM
It might be due to the clips not having a Premiere header. I believe that Premiere-captured HDV files from tape have a start timecode header similar to DV. Certainly for DV Premiere seems to rely on the header rather than the camera-embedded timecode.

Adam Gold
May 4th, 2010, 12:12 PM
Good news to report on this. While the same problem exists on CS4 and CS5, I have it confirmed from a very cool engineer at Adobe that the problem has been identified and fixed, and the fix has been accepted for the first dot update to CS5. This would apply to m2t files only, not the AVCHD files coming from the NX5. Over the past few months it's become clear that Vegas and FCP both also suffer from this problem.

But good news for CS5 users.

Thanks to Wil at Adobe for this info and his efforts.

Colin Browell
May 4th, 2010, 04:05 PM
This would apply to m2t files only, not the AVCHD files coming from the NX5.

There was a thread a few months ago about AVCHD timecode on the Premiere forum. The conclusion was that Premiere did not support timecode because it was not part of the official spec ...

Adobe Forums: CS4 AVCHD with Timecode (

Adam Gold
September 3rd, 2010, 02:09 PM
I can report that CS5 v5.0.2 appears to fix this issue with MRC1k m2t files. Opened a project today after applying the update, and what do you know.... all new TC showing time of day on my imported MRC1k m2t clips.

AVCHD, not yet.

It even replaced all the TC without screwing up my project. For now. I think.

Thanks again, Wil and the Adobe team!