Dan Chung
May 26th, 2009, 10:29 PM
Has anyone tried one of these Seculine Twin 1 R3 UT wireless or wired shutter release Wokingham Photographic the Accessory Specialist (http://www.zigview.co.uk/prd7415r3ut.htm)
I was thinking of hooking this up to the iphone app to allow remote shooting at a reasonable distance.
Nigel Barker
May 26th, 2009, 11:12 PM
I am not sure what advantage the remote that you have linked has over this cheaper one WIRELESS REMOTE SHUTTER FOR CANON EOS 5D 40D 30D 50D on eBay (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/WIRELESS-REMOTE-SHUTTER-FOR-CANON-EOS-5D-40D-30D-50D_W0QQitemZ370194393532QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Photography_DigitalCamAccess_RL?hash=item56314e29bc&_trksid=p4634.c0.m14.l1262&_trkparms=%7C301%3A1%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A30)
Neither remote will operate video mode just still photos. I am also not sure why you would want to use it in conjunction with the promised iPhone application. In that case your camera must be connected to a computer via USB & then the iPhone acts as a remote over a WiFi network.
Dan Chung
May 27th, 2009, 12:27 AM
Infrared wireless remotes do trigger the video record on the 5dmkII, I use it all the time. The problem with cheaper ones is the range.
The remote you linked to is wired and does not trigger the video.
The Iphone remote does everything but trigger video , but it gives you a live view from the camera and allows you to change settings. Hopefully with the new firmware this will mean you can change shutter, aperture, iso and even focus remotely. If you can also trigger the video then all sorts of remote applications will be possible.
Pier Laurenza
May 27th, 2009, 05:20 AM
Dan !
sorry to jump into this !
The Iphone ? Can trigger the video ?
Dan Chung
May 27th, 2009, 05:31 AM
No, the iphone can't trigger the video, but there is an app coming out that triggers stills and has a live view feed to the iphone screen. The camera must be connected to a netbook or laptop though.
I'm hoping the little ir device will trigger the video when the camera is connected to the computer, but I can't confirm this yet.
Nigel Barker
May 27th, 2009, 09:33 AM
Dan, if the camera is to be tethered to a laptop then you don't need to wait for this iPhone application to be available. Just get Mocha VNC for iPhone (http://www.mochasoft.dk/iphone_vnc.htm) which allows you to access the laptop remotely then you can use the Canon EOS utility & use Live View & start/stop video recording just as though you were at the laptop keyboard.
Dan Chung
May 27th, 2009, 09:49 AM
Nigel, Thanks, that would probably work, assuming the VNC client updates the screen fast enough. Does the iphone support peer to peer ad-hoc networking easily? I assume it must do but I've never tried it.
I still find that most remote apps don't have the instant response of a proper remote though.
Nigel Barker
May 27th, 2009, 11:17 AM
Does the iphone support peer to peer ad-hoc networking easily?Yes, it's very straightforward. Also if you jailbreak your iPhone you can use this great application to access the Internet from your PC using the iPhone network connection. PdaNet -- Use your iPhone as a Wireless Router for your PC/Mac (http://www.junefabrics.com/iphone/index.php) Very useful if you have good 3G coverage & an unlimited data plan for the iPhone.