View Full Version : UWOL #13-"Order, Chaos, and Butterflies"- Mike Sims

Mike Sims
May 26th, 2009, 02:04 PM
Well, I can see my wry attempt at humor took a different track than most. At least it’s the shortest entry! I only had two days (two weeks apart) to devote to it , so I’m just glad to have finished something and delayed my first dip in The Tank.

Per Johan Naesje
May 26th, 2009, 02:39 PM
Mike, that was some kind of an ending, LOL :)
You had some good shots in there too! I liked the macro sequence very much, and the hatching out of the egg was nice to watch!
I think you got most of it out of the limited time you had!

Dale Guthormsen
May 26th, 2009, 04:41 PM

another chaos theory guy, love it. the video was intersting to watch and you had some great close up shots!!! the break down at the end was unexpected to be certain, I had a good chuckle reading the follow up!!

Thanks for sharing and taking the time!!

The naration seemed a bit scratchy on my computer.

Carl Middleton
May 27th, 2009, 08:47 AM
I definitely got a laugh out of this! It already had a whimsical feel to me, which I liked. And the ending was wonderful. :)

The voiceover did sound a bit loud, possibly overmodulated to me. I did really love the transformation shot though. Very well done. All in all quite the nifty video. :)

Trond Saetre
May 27th, 2009, 01:45 PM
Mike, this was funny. And what an abrupt but fun ending you made.
Thank you for sharing a great story! I liked the close up shots.

Well done!

Bob Thieda
May 27th, 2009, 04:43 PM

Good stuff...thought you had an encoding issue when the screen went dark...

Great shots....I like the butterfly thing. The first video I ever did was from a butterfly conservatory.

The sound was off on the voice over, but your style and script were great fun.

Keep it up.


Mike Beckett
May 28th, 2009, 11:57 AM

After turning my volume down for Annie's washing machine, I had to do it again - at least you got my attention!

Theres some real pretty butterfly/caterpillar sequences in there. I always like good macro video, never mind the distant birds and animals, familiar creatures, close-up, is just as fascinating for me.

You got me with that ending - I spent a moment wondering what was wrong with my computer, you cunning swine. And it's the first UWOL film since I started them that has made me laugh out loud!

Mike Sims
May 28th, 2009, 02:18 PM
My thanks to each of you for all the great comments.

The egg hatching- Oh yeah. That took three days to set up, so I guess I did work on this more than two days. There went my excuse (smile)! I got the eggs from a moth fancier who knew the exact date of laying. He told me they would hatch between sunrise and two hours after on a particular date plus or minus a day. All I had to do was frame the camera and burn a couple of tapes each day. Halfway into the first tape on the third day I got that shot. It is actually about 14 minutes long and sped up. All the caterpillars went back to the expert to raise.

The voice over- Truly deserving of all criticism. It’s actually one take, one reading and recorded on the on camera mic. All I had time to do in editing is chop and drop. The levels problem added to it. That is an encoding mistake. I went back and looked at the software and the level had been left high from a previous project. I was just too tired to catch it.

Timing Issues- If I’d had time I would have worked on the pace. The timing of the opening credits is wrong. I had intended that the scrolling title be readable a little longer.

I should have mentioned that the music is from SonicFire.

Thanks again for the helpful comments.

Finn-Erik Faale
May 30th, 2009, 03:32 AM
What a funny and surprising turn on your film. After the fascinating butterfly development I really jumped in my chair.

Kevin Railsback
May 31st, 2009, 11:35 AM

Truly a clever take on the theme! At first I was thinking I needed to email you to upload a fixed version. :) Clever to speed up the scrolling text too. :)

Had some really nice shots in there too. You could easily rework this into a serious piece if you wanted too.

Good job!!

Annie Haycock
June 3rd, 2009, 04:36 PM
A crafty one there - the scientific ORDER of Leptidoptera leading the butterfly wing CHAOS theory. I particularly like the caterpillars munching away - they seemed to be almost dancing to the music.

Marj Atkins
June 5th, 2009, 09:23 AM
I have to give you ten out of ten for concept - really clever the way you worked the butterfly theme through, from the Order Lepidoptera, to the rhythmic order of their lifecycle, to the wings and finally to the butterfly effect and all done in such a light-hearted, tongue in cheek way.

You certainly nailed the mathematical meaning of chaos even if in a round about way. Rather sobering to think that something as simple as even a few decimal points or the flap of a butterfly wing can, theoretically, initiate, or change the course of, an event - not least, as in this case, the course of a video! Really enjoyed this one.

Mike Sims
June 15th, 2009, 06:55 AM
Thanks Finn-Erik, Kevin, Annie, and Marj for your kind comments. I’m glad I was able to make some folks smile for a moment.

Marj- You were right about that truly awful line. Just be thankful that you didn’t have to hear all of the next one about poets. It was worse. I was trying to sound increasingly pompous and condescending and had a particular former professor in mind- an undergraduate lecturer in English Literature. Shhh- don’t tell!

Chris Swanberg
June 16th, 2009, 11:27 PM
Ya know ... the line betwen genius/idiot savant and pain in the ass is sometimes blurry.

Regardless your brain and wit is very enjoyable and stimulating. Whatever one you chose at the moment. Keep doing what you do. <wink> I get it.


Mike Sims
June 17th, 2009, 06:31 AM
Thanks Chris. I promise to choose to try not to be a blurry pain in the ass (or something like that!)…