View Full Version : Best/ Easiest Outdoor Settings

Daniel Corcoran
May 26th, 2009, 07:19 AM

I have a loan of a 5d2 with 28-75mm Tamron lens (no manual ap) for some testing. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice for the best/ easiest method for controlling aperture outside in unpredictable sunny/ cloudy conditions. I have an upcoming project 100% to be shot in daylight and I would love to use the 5d2.

I know there are a good few solutions but I’m simply looking for the safest way to ensure decent footage. I have noticed considerable flickering with the test footage when panning/ tilting. Does this sound like a Shutter Speed Issue? If so is it vital to fix the Shutter Speed? I am viewing the footage on an iMac and the camera is set to Pal. Probably a stupid question but why does this cam let you choose between PAL/ NTSC when you record at 30fps?

Much Appreciated,

Julian Frost
May 26th, 2009, 08:02 PM
Download the firmware upgrade on June 2nd!



Daniel Corcoran
May 27th, 2009, 03:34 AM
Nice- Thats great news to wake up to!!

Now I just have to figure out what is going on with the Tamron lens, flikering/ breathing when panning. Its definetly nothing to do with ap/ shutter speed, Im pretty sure it has to be a focusing issue. I have also changes the video files into Apple Intermediate Codec and it is still filkering?


Wayne Avanson
May 27th, 2009, 09:21 AM

do you really mean flickering as in getting brighter for a split second? If so, did you lock the exposure? (star button) before shooting

Or do you mean stuttering? Maybe the CF card is too slow or something else I vaguely remember from somewhere on the forum about stuttering problems.

Do a search for Stuttering and see if you can find it



Daniel Corcoran
May 28th, 2009, 05:10 AM

I have done some more testing,

I have set all the controls manually using the lens twist method, ap/sh set * button on and the record. I am still getting a slight stutter when I pan very slowly, when panned fast I am having no problems. As I said its only when I pan across slowly, any ideas?? The CF card I'm using is a Sandisk 8g Extreme IV
