View Full Version : Vegas Help?

Chad Higgins
May 26th, 2009, 05:12 AM
Ok i'm really new to this, i recently purchased a GL2 and Sony Vegas Pro 8. When i download my video to my computer it saves it in a AVI format, when moving it to Vegas to start editing i get no audio, is this something i doing wrong?

Ian Stark
May 26th, 2009, 05:23 AM
First question - are you using Vegas Capture to get the video from the camera to the computer?

Chad Higgins
May 26th, 2009, 05:37 AM
No I don't think so i just plugged in the fierwire and downloaded my footage and saved it on my C drive.

Ian Stark
May 26th, 2009, 06:17 AM
OK, try capturing the video using Vegas Capture and see if that resolves your problem. I'm not familiar with any other ways of capturing video so I can't really offer any advice, sorry.

Edward Troxel
May 26th, 2009, 06:39 AM
The GL2 is one of the easiest cameras to use for editing. When you connect the camera to the computer, make sure you don't accept whatever default app opens. When you capture, I recommend either opening Vegas and going to File - Capture or go to Scenalyzer Live (it's a 3rd party program).

Either way, it will capture into an AVI file. More importantly, it will capture into a DV formatted AVI file. At this point you've said it captured to an AVI file but you have NOT said what format was used inside that AVI file. I suspect whatever you used to capture did not keep it in DV format.

For a comparison, your AVI files should be approximately 12Gig/hour.