View Full Version : One long clip from 16gb CF-card

Luc De Wandel
May 26th, 2009, 03:10 AM
I've been reading horrifying stories about long clips (longer dan 4gb worth of card space) recorded on CF-cards, that are automatically devided into 4 gb-parts when logging & transferring. As I'm going to film a pop-group gig soon, with 5 camera's (2 of which borrowed or rented), I want to sychronise them with a clap in the beginning and keep all the cams rolling during the whole concert, which will last about an hour. So I did a test yesterday and kept my Z7 running for an hour. To my joy, this long clip (13 gb) logged and transferred to FCP as... one clip. No divisons whatsoever.

What am I missing here, or are the horror stories something from the past?

Greg Laves
June 4th, 2009, 09:21 PM
I am a PC user and have used the Sony utilty program with no problems. But last weekend, I used my Z7 with the MRC1 to shoot for someone else. He is a FCP guy. Tonight, he downloaded the software that allows FCP to use .M2T and convert them to something usable in a Mac. It downloaded a 60+ minute wedding ceremony as one clip. Looked great and it was easy as could be apparently. The only thing that confused us for a while was that the card said it contained 36 M2T clips. But FCP showed it had only imported 34 clips.

Rob Morse
June 5th, 2009, 10:36 AM
Greg, I think the reason it does that is it appears sometimes you have multiple clips with the same number. For example, it may show 2 clips with 0012. The Sony program turns that into 1 clip so that would explain the missing clip.

Philip Howells
January 16th, 2010, 01:52 AM
Luc, I think the horror stories started with people who were sceptical that sequential files could be created without losing a frame. I think we forgot that there some onboard cache in the MRCs, but that's just a guess.

We use three MRCs in multicam set up for weddings and haven't had a problem with any stitched files.