View Full Version : Naming Sub-Clips in XDCAM Transfer (v2.90)

Jon Michael Ryan
May 25th, 2009, 02:56 PM
As the internet shows, still no sign of sub-clip naming in XDCam Transfer. I'm running v2.90's on all our studio computers; anyone have an idea of when Sony will finally listen to its users? Or am I missing some obvious solution to a more specified logging system?

I recently transcribed over 15 hours of interview footage. Most takes lasted between 45 and 50 minutes, with the interviews rolling constantly. During logging, I worked between a Pages document and XDCAM Transfer v2.90 to create a correlation between subclips and content. Anyone know a better way to do this?

Allow me to summarize: Long, continuous shots are currently ingested into FCP via XDCAM Transfer as a series of numbered subclips. I.e., INTVW 1_1, INTVW 1_2... (these appear as subclip 1, subclip 2 within XDCT). There needs to be a way to rename the actual subclip files (say, by topic, or by shot description in the event the shooter is roving).

When will we be given a solution? Sigh.

Mike Chandler
May 26th, 2009, 07:51 AM
Jon--I've always found that the only way to deal successfully with interview material is to transcribe it. So the procedure for logging follows from that: I mark slx on my transcripts, label them as per the page number, then ingest only those slx clips, e.g. INT. Ryan3, INT.Ryan14, etc. with a key line as the comment: INT. Ryan3, "I was frustrated by the logging system", INT.Ryan14 "Goofed when I bought a P2 system", etc.

I would alter the system for XDCAM, since it's too hard to find particular bites in the XDCAM Transfer window (versus finding material via Log & Capture on a DV tape), and simply ingest the whole clip, then use the Timeline to make subclips as per above.

With strictly visual material, I'd just put the whole clip in the NLE, e.g., VIS. Ryan1 (VIS. Ryan 2, etc) and use markers or subclips to break them down & label.

And you can change the clip name and comment in XDCAM transfer , using the Logging window, but I think you're right, I don't think you can rename the subclips. I haven't used Log & Transfer to see if subclip naming is possible in it, but it's slower than XDCAM transfer.